Protein Bars


New member
Do you guys eat protein bars for protein and what kind. There is so many differnt kinds and alot of them seem to be fulled with junk that will only cause fat. I have tried several kinds my favorite was the detour chocolate peanut butter. It was 30 grams protein but also quite bit of carbs and sugar
I don't know which ones you eat but if you ate one the other day when we worked out you need to throw them bitches away cause your gas that day was unbearable
I don't know which ones you eat but if you ate one the other day when we worked out you need to throw them bitches away cause your gas that day was unbearable


i make my own u should try them..much better than the crap u buy..check out the recipe forum..easy no cook they dont make u fart.:crap:
Out of all the bars I've tried, I like Cliff bars (I think that's the name). Best tasting and minimal gas production, at least for me, lol.
The big thing is quest bars because they are "sugar free" and carb free or low carbs. Stupid because one of the main ingredients is a sweetener that causes insulin spikes. Their is a bar out there, I think it's called the brick bar or similar, that is just grounded up ingredients that is actually not processed.
i eat protein bars all the time and yes i know most are not healthy. Kind bars are probably the healthiest i eat but the Cliff Builder bars and Zone perfect you can buy from walmart. i like the Balance bars and tigers milk bar you can get for 50 cents. i got 50 Met RX bars off ebay a couple weeks ago for $50 bucks
Do you guys eat protein bars for protein and what kind. There is so many differnt kinds and alot of them seem to be fulled with junk that will only cause fat. I have tried several kinds my favorite was the detour chocolate peanut butter. It was 30 grams protein but also quite bit of carbs and sugar

yeah detour bars are good and taste too good to be true,lol, i use to buy cases of them off my buddy who owned a supplement store, but i havent gotten into bars in a while, i just drink shakes now and eat meat(go ahead, make the joke dickwads) lol
Cliff Builder Bars for em
every now and then i will have a MetRX cookie crunch...those are like crack to me...sooooo damn good.
I never tried the bars. But my protein shake is never far away.
For a 320z powerade bottle I use 2/3 coffee, 1/3 milk, 3 raw eggs, and a scoop of protein powder.
If you like the chocolate coffee taste you will like it.