

New member
Ok, heres the situation:
I am 5' 8 and 165-170 pounds. Approx. a year ago, I was 205 pounds, and benching 330, squating around 500. Today im lucky to get 350 in reps of 10 on the squat, or 275 on the bench even 3 times. What happened what I was hit by a car, and couldnt work out for a good 6 months, and during that time ive lost a lot. Granted my metabolism has changed somewhat and I have almost 0 body fat (slight exageration). I want to know what I should use to really get my weight up, (to around 185-190) as well as increase my strenght big time around the gym. Ive heard that prop is good, as is dbol. these are both pills correct? HELP!

If you have been not training for the past 6mo I would suggest you re-establish a good power base before considering any gear. Your tendons will be especially thankful.
I see. Im a little worried about anything that is going in through a needle. Ive been trying to get back over the last few months, but i cant seem to break 170. I get hella ripped out and it looks like my size is increasing, but ill tell u what that scale never lies. I just want something to really get me a good push.
right learn about what is going into your body. Scorpio has posted a lot under drug profiles. Check it out!
If you're ripped, and not gaining weight, you're not eating enough. If you provide your body with the food, muscle memory should help you get back to your previous weight pretty quickly, without resorting to aas.
have been on before mate ?
welcome to the board . and god bless you guys answering us .

good luck