Rich Piana Steroid cycle and what you think


New member
So I have seen the Rich Piana cycle and wonder what you guys think about his theory? I have heard from others that it is good to keep switching up esters every three weeks or so to keep the body growing.

What do you think?
not a big fan of that theory-one way or another the type of AAS will convert to test

find what works for you and stick to it-really in my opinion all you need is test and something to counter the collagen side effects like deca or eq
Tren is great if you can handle the sides-turned me into a beast I kept upping the dose and couldn't handle the sides anymore, it does nothing for collagen though

unless you compete forget the orals and all the exotics-I use to kick off my cycles with 2 weeks of orals but since I've gotten older I'm not in that much of a hurry

IGF is nice both on and off cycle never tried HGH so can't say about it
What do u think of Piana's theory of switching from 2 pins a week to one double dose pin per week after a few weeks to trick the body into thinkinb its getting more mgs but actually staying on the same mgs....i understand where hes coming from but wouldnt the amount of test in the body still be the same
What do u think of Piana's theory of switching from 2 pins a week to one double dose pin per week after a few weeks to trick the body into thinkinb its getting more mgs but actually staying on the same mgs....i understand where hes coming from but wouldnt the amount of test in the body still be the same

gonna have to call BS on that theory-you want to keep your plasma levels even so switching to one big shot a week in my opinion would be counter productive
Wrong wrong wrong,but he is way swoller than me so what I think is a waste?10 weeks of deca 5 of eq and primo?why not npp for ten weeks with eq and primo the whole cycle and tren ace at the end after npp???and he should try 10 weeks of sdrol ,lmao
I call bull shit on his methods u never know what he is telling the truth about just research here at mc u will find much better and more solid research and information
Dorian, what are collagen side effect?

diff steroids like test and winny will cause the tendons to get bigger but more brittle-some steroids like deca and eq will offset this effect 1:5 ratio

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1:5 for test and I think 1:3 for the winny

weird part is that the test and winny make the skin look better-tears up the tendons but good for the skin
I don't think his methods have much science behind them, but if it works for his body, good for him. To each his own............................also how do you keep reinventing your self and keep your popularity up? do thing that don't seem normal.......keeps people talking right???
I don't think his methods have much science behind them, but if it works for his body, good for him. To each his own............................also how do you keep reinventing your self and keep your popularity up? do thing that don't seem normal.......keeps people talking right???

Nailed it! Its all BS to me. I know for a fact most pros have no idea what they take or how much. Its all about there diet.
what does he do for a living to afford that big house? What does he need such a big house for? I read somewhere that he said he keeps guns all over the house and has a huge gun safe...

just looked it up and he made most of his money on youtube, supplements, and movies

they guess he is worth about 2 million

he has a pretty good following on youtube so yeah it makes sense to keep things interesting
I heard he has a underground lab where they experiment with trenbolone