SARMS - First time - Input / Advice Appreciated!

Not to run them both at the same time though? Your saying do lgd and then do ostarine?

LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks

PCT - Clomid - 25/25/25
Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

I guess I was confused as to what you meant originally. There is nothing wrong with doing both, but imo splitting em up would be best. That's just what I would do

So, yes.. lgd followed by osta is my recommendation
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Alright Everyone, I'm pulling the trigger tomorrow.

This will be what I'm leaning towards -any last minute input or change recommendations would be appreciated.

LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks

PCT - Clomid - 25/25/25
Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

*Also ... I'm stuck on where to get bloods, cost of them, and what to look for once I get them.. I have researched there are a ton of kinds and I'm not sure what they all mean. etc. I'm assuming there is a good thread for this already.
Forgive me but I'm new to this: when referring to pct, you guys use numbers like 10/10/10 or 10/10/5/5.....and so on..what does this mean?
Forgive me but I'm new to this: when referring to pct, you guys use numbers like 10/10/10 or 10/10/5/5.....and so on..what does this mean?

The #'s are how much each week. / is used to separate the weeks.

Example: 50/50/25/25 would be 50 for 2 weeks & 25 for 2 weeks. #'s= mgs.

- - - Updated - - -

Alright Everyone, I'm pulling the trigger tomorrow.

This will be what I'm leaning towards -any last minute input or change recommendations would be appreciated.

LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks

PCT - Clomid - 25/25/25
Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

*Also ... I'm stuck on where to get bloods, cost of them, and what to look for once I get them.. I have researched there are a ton of kinds and I'm not sure what they all mean. etc. I'm assuming there is a good thread for this already.

Looks good buddy. Looking forward to updates
Mk with Osta would be great.
First, you should take that stack lower dosage, like 10mg for 4-5 week-cycle, then you can increase your dosage if that stack would working fine on you.