Started today!!


New member
I have finally started my cycle today. I decided that the shoulder problem was not going to stop me. I start at my weight of 214 lbs. This is going to be a bulk cycle followed by a cutting cycle in March. Here is what the cycle looks like:

1-4 Dbol @ 50 mg/day
1-10 Enanthate @ 750 mgs/week
1-10 Deca @ 400 mgs/week
6-12 Winny @ 50 mg/day

I hope that the dbol and deca will lubricate my shoulder joint and the gains will be good.
Cool, I'm envious. What's your current body fat, if you don't mind, and how many cycles do you have under your belt? Take some before pics (even if you don't post them now) so that we (or even just you) can see your progress!
Damn I was gonna start that cycle today to, but something came up.

Hope you do well bro, and may you achieve what you want to achieve! Best of luck to ya!!!
WeirdAl said:
Cool, I'm envious. What's your current body fat, if you don't mind, and how many cycles do you have under your belt? Take some before pics (even if you don't post them now) so that we (or even just you) can see your progress!

Body fat is around 13-16% (Not gonna worry about it till my cut cycle in March)

This will be my 4th cycle. I took my before pics yesterday and will post before/after when cycle is done.

I have a before/after post in the members pics of my last cycle.
RF426 said:
Take your liquidex!!!

Get ready to get BIG!!! Keep us updated.

Oh hell yeah. I'll be taking .50mg/day. Not gonna mess around with the possibility of any gyno .
viper10139 said:
good luck bro...and keep an eye on that shoulder!!!

thanks bro. I'm really hoping the dbol and the deca lubricates the shoulder and takes away some of the discomfort during the workouts.
gymrat said:

thanks bro. I'm really hoping the dbol and the deca lubricates the shoulder and takes away some of the discomfort during the workouts.

Mice cycle gymrat..... I found that winny negated the positive effects on the joints when I tried a similar cycle,just as the deca was kicking in and the joints were feeling good,winny froze them back up,I had to stop the winny. You might just try lower doses of winny like you did before and got good gains with if you think it is messing with the shoulder.
I will actually see how the shoulder joint is feeling after 6 weeks. I've already thought of dropping the winny totally and saving it for my cut cycle in March
You are going to get H-U-G-E with that cycle, no doubt. But you better take something for your liver, ALA ? 50mg is alot of dbols..
did 600 e and 400 deca winny 50 last cycle 25 lbs gain deca made my shoulder feel great winny fucked me up though joint pain and blood levels all screwed up.
Good luck Gymrat. Hope the shoulder gets through ok. I'm starting a similar one tomorrow. Have a problem shoulder also, but since it hasn't dislocated in a while should be fine.
cypionate 600mg/wk
decca 400 mg/wk
propionate to start things off
winstrol injection at end to harden up and solidify gains.
Keep us posted on your progress!
diggi said:
But you better take something for your liver, ALA ? 50mg is alot of dbols..

Oh hell yeah. Taking 2100mg of ALA per day. Was going to take milk thistle along with it but just never picked it up. The ALA should do fine.
Badgermoon said:
Good luck Gymrat. Hope the shoulder gets through ok. I'm starting a similar one tomorrow. Have a problem shoulder also, but since it hasn't dislocated in a while should be fine.
cypionate 600mg/wk
decca 400 mg/wk
propionate to start things off
winstrol injection at end to harden up and solidify gains.
Keep us posted on your progress!

Thanks bro. Your cycle looks good as well. Should yield some nice gains.