stopped gaining added ground beef


my weight stopped going up so i am going to add some ground beef and a couple servings of olive oil in. anyone got any suggests?
my weight stopped going up so i am going to add some ground beef and a couple servings of olive oil in. anyone got any suggests?
d-bol, or anadrol. food wise, yeah the ground beef will help!
Hamburger helper with 92% lean ground beef (2lbs instead of 1) and 1/2 box brown rice.... Makes about 3 meals... Always puts good solid meat on...
Man theres all kinds of things to help gain weight i guess ground beef is as good as any though
Bro.. good muscle meal with red meat.. I eat this all the time..
Ground beef, About 5 potatoes(boil then mash them), spread mashed potatoes on a plate, put beef on top, then top with cheese.. mMMMmmmmmmmmm Delicous!! and cheap!!
I eat 90/10 ground sirloin about every other day myself. I was just telling my wife I need more red meat. I buy mine from the Schwann's guy who is a home delivery service. I put them on the george foreman and in 2.5 minutes 46 grams of protein. I eat it with whole wheat bread or white if I am eating my post workout meal after my shake. I also go with a granola bar as my complex carb.
yep i have a whole beef butchered every year for money saveing reasons so i have all kinds of red meat. yeah and we have a schwans to but there shit is way to dam high.
It is high. I buy it cause I like the delivery dude. He always talks about mma and he's cool. Wal mart sells some 85 percent lean patties but they taste like mcdonald's patties. I have used those as well. Finally got my wife to start buying sirloin for stuff like tacos and sloppy joes too.