Tablet / Readers

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
What's good out there? Are these things just for novels and books or can you do magazines and stuff? I wanted a pretty simple one, but hopefully with color. Any of you guys have these or know anything about them?
We got our kids kindles for Christmas, the color models. We picked them up at a Pawn Shop and were guaranteed for 90 days and it was well worth it than buying them an iPad. Cindee and I use them more than out iPads because we read so much.
But yes iPads are great too, we bought refurbished ones from apple and carry the same warranty.
if you are not willing to pay that much- the 7" Kindle Fire is a good choice, but you might wait till fall as Ipad will release a 7" version.
Definitely the IPad brother!! They are freaking awesome (and even better if you have kids) I watch a lot Netflix videos on them. So easy and convienant!