The end all be all "NEWBIE" question


New member
Ok guys here it is the rest of my gifts well be here by the end of the week including me anti-e's I have been researching A/S since 2000 on the then due to some problems I came here (too much drama) anyway I was scammed twice and pulled out for about 6 months and then relized I needed to start A/S to get what I wanted so now I am good on what I need thanks to a lot of help from you guys you know who you are ok

stats: I am 5'9" now at 190#' down from 194 1/2#'s last week I was shooting for 200#'s befor I started my 1st cycle but I can't wait so I will start next week or the monday after that

wk 1-4 25mg/ed dbol
wk 1-10 300mg/wk deca
wk 1-10 500mg/wk sust
clomid post cycle

my diet is realy goog my routine in great my sleep is good my supplamentaion is just right I am shooting for 3000-3500 calories perday

now after all that long winded sumup here is my question

for you guys with more that a few cycles under you weight belts is there anything you can think of now that you wish you had done or known during you first cycle that could benifit me or anyone else who is starting their fisrt cycle not diffrent drugs or mg strenght's but good know how you can inpart to a brother that would really help !?

you guys have been the best and I will be posting throughout my cycle to let you know how I am doing me and my friend are doing the same cycle together as to get the best we can

hope to take the first shot monday morning watch for my post FUCK that hurt hehehe! j/k
My 1st cycle I had Dura and thought it was Deca.... so my gains weren't up to par. I wish i would have cut a little more before I started my 1st cycle..and last but not least I wished i would have used T-3 on my 1st cycle.
Your cycle looks good..good job on researching...and if you have any T-3 questions......just ask....lots of great knowledgeable bro's on this board........456
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Also keep in mind that you don't need all that gear for your first cycle. You will grow extremely well with less amounts. My friend did 500mg of Sus for 8 weeks and then winny for 6 weeks last year and went from 197 to 222. He ate very well on his cycle and finshed off at 217. You can get away without the D-bol and/or without the Deca. But if you have done your research, then go with what you have learned. 500 of Test and 400 of EQ or Deca is a great cycle. But it all comes down to EATING. Good luck.
Make sure you research and plan your diet just as well as you have your AAS,that makes all the difference IMO between a great cycle and an OK cycle. Eat alot,eat often,eat clean....
what a coincidence. the same as i did my first time, however i used a lower dosage, the results came out great considering it was the first time.
mr456 said:
My 1st cycle I had Dura and thought it was Deca.... so my gains weren't up to par. I wish i would have cut a little more before I started my 1st cycle..and last but not least I wished i would have used T-3 on my 1st cycle.
Your cycle looks good..good job on researching...and if you have any T-3 questions......just ask....lots of great knowledgeable bro's on this board........456

How much T3 would you run on a bulk cycle??? I ran it at the end of my last cycle and it really made me so tired it ruined the end of a great cycle and I think it made the post cycle crash so much worse.
Very similar to my 1st cycle. Did 35mg/dbol ed & 400mg/deca and same sust. Gained 18 lbs. Most importantly to abide to a strict diet. Good luck, bro.
If I had it to do over I'd go simple-cycle with individual compounds for the first 2 or 3 cycles to see how my body reacts specifically to each compound then start stacking anabolic with androgenic usually test based(pick an ester) to find my "ideal" cycle -use it as a "program" and increase dosages accordingly-Also what kind of nutrient breakdown are you planning?(protein/carb/fat)-I suggest 500 to 1000 cal over maintenence with macros at 33% each-Good Luck!-Work hard-Recover well-Eat clean!!!
Looks good to me except for the three week wait from your last shot of sust/deca till the start of clomid. I would run a fast acting ester at the end like prop to carry you closer to clomid. Winny is also a good choice for the tail end of a cycle but your already doing D-Bol so I wouldn't reccomend it.

Eating is the key. All the drugs in the world won't make you grow if you don't eat right.

Looks good bro, You should put on some serious size with that combo. keep track of your progress in a log. helped me out big time. Your gonna be amazed at your strength gains. good luck.
Thanks for all you good will and info I have almost every aspect down to a T so me and my friend will help each other stay on track I will post at the end of every week to let you guys know how I am doing thanks again for your support and info
Now that was a great and usefull post big old bump for ya bro!

The only advice I have is that When you start your cycle have your BF pretty low, I didnt so, throughout my bulking cycle I was less inclined to eat as much for fear of more fat gain I think it effected my gains greatly.