Tren and Deca together

I don't really experience any of those sides on tren or deca except for maybe insomnia. Might have to try some masteron though, never used it before.
About the sides itso funny I don't get night sweats or insomnia I sleep better. But the irritableness and bp gers tough.
I have been off tren a and test a with some sust since thanksgiving and I am having some night sweats right now. Was 196 now 187.
Sides on Tren? What are those 8)

Running Tren E @ ~600 a week the first 5 weeks. Bumped it up to 800/week bc i legit have no sides, except for being like 495% more alpha, haha

My test cyp I kept at 400/week the first 5 weeks. Bumped it to 600/week.

Surprisingly I"m not having the usual prolactin sides I usually have with Tren Ace. My left nipple hurts like a bitch when i use tren A. There is slight tenderness here and there with Tren E, but Idk if its bc of the ester that i'm not getting as many sides or what.

The stuff i'm using is 100% legit too. Love the company i use.