Watch: MMA Fighter Akhmed Khamzaev Melts Opponent With Brutal Elbow

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MMA fighter Akhmed Kahmzaev took less than two minutes to KO Alimbek Tolosbay Uulu with a perfectly timed elbow at ACA Young Eagles 31.
Flyweights Khamzaev and Uulu met on the main card of the event in Chechnya, Russia. Both fighters were unbeaten heading into the bout.
Early in round one, the duo clinched against the fence briefly, before Khamzaev missed with a head kick on the break. But when the two undefeated fighters squared up seconds later, Khamzaev launched his elbow right at Uulu’s chin, knocking him out cold.
MMA Fighter Akhmed Khamzaev Lands Savage Elbow KO
Watch Khamzaev get the finish below.

Khamzaev is now undefeated in nine professional MMA bouts, having finished all but two of his opponents. The 23-year-old Chechen had previously defeated Magomedgadzhi Vagabov via TKO at ACA Young Eagles 26 in March.
The loss moves Uulu to 6-1, with most of his wins coming by finish. The Kyrgyzstani most recently defeated Magomed Sardalov via submission at ACA Young Eagles 29 in September.
In the ACA Young Eagles 31 main event, Alberd Zhapuev got it done by rear-naked choke against Ortsa Gudaev in their featherweight bout.
Want to see more sick finishes? Check out our original Top 10 Finishes of the Week series here!


MMA fighter Akhmed Kahmzaev took less than two minutes to KO Alimbek Tolosbay Uulu with a perfectly timed elbow at ACA Young Eagles 31.

Flyweights Khamzaev and Uulu met on the main card of the event in Chechnya, Russia. Both fighters were unbeaten heading into the bout.

Early in round one, the duo clinched against the fence briefly, before Khamzaev missed with a head kick on the break. But when the two undefeated fighters squared up seconds later, Khamzaev launched his elbow right at Uulu’s chin, knocking him out cold.

MMA Fighter Akhmed Khamzaev Lands Savage Elbow KO
Watch Khamzaev get the finish below.

Khamzaev is now undefeated in nine professional MMA bouts, having finished all but two of his opponents. The 23-year-old Chechen had previously defeated Magomedgadzhi Vagabov via TKO at ACA Young Eagles 26 in March.

The loss moves Uulu to 6-1, with most of his wins coming by finish. The Kyrgyzstani most recently defeated Magomed Sardalov via submission at ACA Young Eagles 29 in September.

In the ACA Young Eagles 31 main event, Alberd Zhapuev got it done by rear-naked choke against Ortsa Gudaev in their featherweight bout.

Want to see more sick finishes? Check out our original Top 10 Finishes of the Week series here!

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