What does everyone think?????????


New member
Ok this is what I'm thinking, first some stats;

Mid 30's, love for lifting started at age 13 (He's strong for his age), been in and out of the gym ever since. Heres how it always unfolded;

Workout naturally about 4 months, then Platue, quit, wait another 6 to 8 months and get hungary for more. Same pattern 4mos. on 6-8 months off.

Always had decent gains for a natty. At age 15, 5-7, 165lbs. I broke the 300lb. bench press wall (which was huge back then for me). Luckily no-one else in my highschool, let alone a freshman was benching over 300, small school though (400).

At the age of 19 I found some painfull dog track gear for 6 mos. (only 400mgs. week) and when I ran out I was 178lbs. and 345 bench. Sorry about all the benching crap but as you bros know back in the day its how we measured our pecker.

On off On off On Off just always that stocky little strong guy.

Anyway 2 more cycles in my 30's this time took me to 385 on bench and 215 in wieght. BTW nice deads, squats, ect.

I've been inactive for 7 mos. now and its time again, heres what I'm thinking................

1. Put aside the fact that I have something to live for cause I really don't, only life itself, bottomline.
2. I feel so awesome when I'm healthy and in the gym.
3. Keeping testosterone levels up makes me feel great
4. Most people may get old and feel it but we don't have tooo due to science.
5. I know what it feels like to get older and I'm not going to do it soon!!!!!!!!!

Here we go..........

To feel really good about myself, to stay sex driven, to keep up with all the younger Bucks, to look good, ect.,ect.,ect., I'm thinking 500mgs. wk/test/E, HRT for 15+years.

Here's the thing, what do you vets think about adding cycles or a heavier mix up (esp. tren.) No pills though, 12 on and 12 off. Will I get burnt out or will it be all the better? Also I can afford more dna if need be.

Once again this is going to happen so don't anyone come out swinging with side effects, just advice on the best way to go about it. I'm a born user of drugs and will never quit because I'm happier feeling better than normal, who dosen't. People don't change. I'm the happiest when I'm high on strength, sex, and in shape like a hoss. All the reg. street drugs don't temp me when I'm on my game in the gym. I want some advice from the vets here on what would be the best way to go about bringing on the lifestyle that I love most.

Once again I'm not a novice, I do understand, always kept to myself (no kids, wife, ect.) just want to feel great as I get older, Whats wrong with that?

Talk to me, receptors, estrogen levels, growth, sterility, ect. for at least the next 15 years. I already know the blood press., choles., kidneys, liver, ect. and avoidance. Just need to brainstorm on a good HRT at manageable and positive measures.

Future would be nice to goal at around 5-9, 245lbs., 12% @ 50yrs. old w/a awesome sex drive and a I can still woop your ass wellbeing.

BTW I'm small boned, my body wants to hover around 165 naturally but I've been fighting that.

OK now that we have established that I'm nuts and won't change, HELP ME GET TO WHERE I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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B2S is spot on with his advice. Get your test levels checked by a doctor. See where you are at naturally then proceed with caution. As much as you might think there is more to live for than being huge. Despite the clever catch phrases it's not cool to be barried in a big coffin. lol. You'll feel a lot better having medium levels of test and being healthy than to go balls to the wall and die of a heart attack when you are 55 because of AAS use/abuse, heavy eating, and being overweight. It's a serious problem when you get older.
Thanks guys, good advice. So do you think it would be better to go with HGH on a constant, then cycle test 12 on and 12off at around 500mgs/w? To help with sides due to long term just do test only?
BUMP. Lookin for advice on the HGH, I know its pricey but wth its my life. Do ya think I will look like an ape in 15 years? Is it good enough as a stand alone or should one cycle also. My girlfriends are now at the age for botox need to get mine
I would say HGH would be a good thing at your age, but make sure you aren't at risk for diabetes. It can make the problem worse by decreased insulin sensitivity. Especially if you are overweight (or I should say high bodyfat % since weight isn't always the best indicator) to begin with. Have you tried Immense Growth Factor? If not I would definitely try it out first as it's much less expensive, it works quickly, and many have had great results with it. Either one would be great to add to the arsenal.
Oh yeah, Although I suggest running HGH for longer periods of time. I.E. At least 4 to 6 months if possible even at low doses like 2iu per day. Combining it with a cycle is always a great idea plus you can stay on the HGH in between cycles to help combat any muscle losses, and also to keep your bodyfat lower.
No-one that I know of ever in my family has had diabetes. I always carry more body fat than prefered. Everyone is diff. but I keep my curves when I put on weight. It may sound wierd but it seems like for every pound of fat I put on I also gain a pound of muscle. Thats just my body, I know alot of bros are diff. I can actually get much stronger even when not in the gym by just gaining wieght. May or maynot have to do with being in residential construction. Ever carried 120 sheets of 12*4 sheetrock to the second floor? Sucks! Anyway I'm going to start researching the hgh and try and get a good consistant batch. If I don't care to spend the money is there local docs that will hook me up? Whats the standards to getting it legal? Not afraid to fly....
Look in the phone book for anti-aging centers or doctors. That's as far as I'll go with that question. Again, it's bordering on the edge of asking how to get gear.
Man I live in WEST BY GOD VIRGINA. Yellowpages, whats that? And is paying out bread for anti-aging illegal? really I don't know. My bitty arse ex cleaned me out with botox and animal skin or something like that all I know is it was expensive. However, I miss my DD titties.
No, it's not illegal, but we can't help you source doctors especially on a public forum like this. Imagine how the doctor would feel when he gets a special visit from his government friends. lol.
got ya, sorry. To be honest though I have a pretty ankle braclet on for another 3 months so I won't be flying anywhere soon and especially not for my favorite people on earth that put me here. BTW theres about a 50/50 chance that in the morning I'll be checking into the grey bar motel again for the remainder of my time. I'm thinking Flordia though when I get off HC, got property there and anti-aging IS in the book.
trust me it really does suck, I'm ready to pop. They took a good man and turned him into a dangerous part of society. I'm sooo tired of the system. All over nothing too, once you get into the loop its hard to get out. You really don't have to be a bad person to get in trouble.