What to do?


New member
OK, So I have been clean since Feb. and dieted down to a decent 210 and holding pretty well, before weight was around 224. I'm still holding a little weight in the mid section but started doing a little cardio:cardio: and it's begining to slide off. I'm ready to jump back on the gear wagon and was wondering what you guys thought of this cycle. This will be a 12 -16 week cycle, depending on how I feel. I'm wondering if the test is too low or should I bring in something else. Protein will be around 400-500 and try to keep the carbs in a decent range without getting to bloated. Would like to be in the 215-220 range with good definition and decent BF%. Any and all critisism is welcomed. I will try to post some before shots in the next day or so and see what our progress is in a couple of months.

IGF-1 100mcg ED
Test enthate 250 EOD
DECA 300 2xweek
dbol 60-80 ED for 6weeks then switch to Anavar with same dosage
Sounds about right to me. You plan on running the igf the whole time or starting at a particular point? The only other thing I would suggest is maybe giving some time in between the orals just to be safe.
I will do the IGF the whole cycle. How much time would you put between the orals, 2-3 weeks?
I don't think its too much. I personally would go 4 on and 4 off and then 4on for the 12 weeks but thats just me. I may be overly cautious but its your health.
bro just shoot the test enanthate twice a week, let it get in your system, it doesnt need to be shot every other day like prop does.
OK, So I have been clean since Feb. and dieted down to a decent 210 and holding pretty well, before weight was around 224. I'm still holding a little weight in the mid section but started doing a little cardio:cardio: and it's begining to slide off. I'm ready to jump back on the gear wagon and was wondering what you guys thought of this cycle. This will be a 12 -16 week cycle, depending on how I feel. I'm wondering if the test is too low or should I bring in something else. Protein will be around 400-500 and try to keep the carbs in a decent range without getting to bloated. Would like to be in the 215-220 range with good definition and decent BF%. Any and all critisism is welcomed. I will try to post some before shots in the next day or so and see what our progress is in a couple of months.

IGF-1 100mcg ED
Test enthate 250 EOD
DECA 300 2xweek
dbol 60-80 ED for 6weeks then switch to Anavar with same dosage

Ok, So I'm am finally starting this cycle. I had planned on starting first of June but because of a wrist injury (work related) it got moved back but I'm 100% now and ready to go. It is going to be the same dosage above except I will alternate between E250 and SAST450 EOD, everything else will be the same. My avatar is pretty much my before picture which was taken in late May. I have been clean since Feb. and I'm holding at about 210 body weight so I'm hoping I will respond well. :bber:
You should respond amazingly to that. Its far more than I'm doing. Adding in anabolics drastically reduces my need for test. I'm getting better gains on 1200mg of test with 400mg of Deca and 70mcg of IGF a day than I did with 3g of test a week!! Plus this cycle is still keeping my face pretty thanks to the AquaDex. I strongly recommend you incorporate it.
Well this sucks.......Last week was my first week back on cycle and I have been training hard and eating like a horse. My body weight has been between 210 and 212 but this morning I stepped on the scale and now I'm 205. I really didn't excpect to see any weight gain but damn sure didn't think to see a loss. I hope things turn around soon. Has this ever happend to anyone else?
How you diet looks like? Are u eating enough carbs especialy after the work out?
I would say carbs are between 400-500. I was going to keep them down a little bit more but have decided to try and get more growth out of this cycle and protein is about the same. I work out at night so most of my carbs are taken in throughout the day but my post meal is whole grain rice with ground beef chuck.
Well another week has gone by and no weight gain. Still hanging under 205, the lightest I have been in about a year now and can't understand why? Been force feeding myself every 2-3 hours and really downing the carbs. Test is over a gram now and pushed the dbol to 100. Deca and IGF have remained the same. I am not doing any cardio what so ever, just trying to grow. ??:nope:??