Whats everyones goals right now???

Hello all I'm currently at 5'6 206 trying to hold on 4wks out from first cycle started cycle at 194 didn't eat enough but look alot better:muscles are fuller.A guess at bodyfat is 10-12 I still have an ab outline and deep center grove. Waist is legit 32 . Hoping for 225 at about 8% by next year any cycle suggestion are welcome. Later LilSwole
shooting for 6 foot 235lbs @ 6-7%. still have a ways to go... been trying to cut fat lately and am down to around 198 @ 10%. i hit 230 this spring, but was in the high teens BF-wise. i've actually managed to drop over 30lbs while maintaining damn near all the strength. i HAVE lost some inches on arms and legs, but some of that was probably intramuscular fat anyways and its better off that its gone. i'd say im currently in the best shape i've ever been in! :)
I'm 5'10" at 188lbs but am coming off of a cycle from 3 weeks ago. I would like to be 205 at around 6-7% one day. I'm not a bodybuilder, moreless a fitness buff.
I am currently 6'3" weighing in at 220lbs and 8% bodyfat... My goal is simple, I want to grow into a damn monster! I would be happy with about 275lbs and 5-6%...

CJ ;)
hel I've been playing with my body for the past 6 months to see what extremes i can handle started at 196 22% dropped bf down to 18% got impatient did a bulk cycle shot up to 225 20% cutting with cardio and clen/eca stack right now as of today 203 I'm pretty sure 15% bf. My goal 230-240 10-13% bf would like single digets but at 38yrs old I'm not sure if thats possible without going extremely heavly into it.