Whats your warmup routine??

The Deuce

MuscleChemistry Regitered Member
I warm up my shoulders with a super-quad set with a lightweight dumbbell 25 reps of each movement to get the blood flowing to my shoulders and rotator cuff... usually take a 3-4 minute break after that before i jump in with training... now on legs day it's different.. to get the blood flowing there.. i use lightweight leg extensions to get the blood to the knee joint.. then i will superset to an immediate squat with just the bar maintaining slow proper movement to get myself ready for the torture that I slaughter my legs with.. THAT IS WHAT I DO :D
at least 50 to 75 reps with very light weight for my shoulders internal external rotation circles etc. My shoulders arent in good shape after all the titanium i have ini them lol i warm them up pretty thoroughly. Then on legs i just go really really light for a few sets and really get the blood flowing then ill build my way up in weight.
i just jump right in. But my warmup set is pretty light. i like to bang out about 30 reps atleast. I tried doing cardio first, but i dont want it to take away from the weights.
Mine is similiar to the Deuce. I do upright rows with just the bar for 30 reps and bicep curls. Then I do some rotator cuff stuff to warm up. I do this 3 times. Legs is about the same as the Deuce.
I just jump right in too. Warm up sets before heavy sets of course, but no cardio or anything first.
jumping right in will set you up for injury. I always run for 5 then stretch. that blood getting worked up helps my lifts anyways
Two warm up sets on the very first warm-up with about 1/2 the weight I use on my heavy. 1 warm up set with 1/2 the weight before ever new exercise for the rest of the session.
usually before most upper body workouts i do some very light streching with a 5lb dumbell or plate

leg workouts, 10min light cardio