Will D-Bol Help w/ Joint Pain?


New member
On my first cycle, I used Deca and Test. The Deca was great for cushioning the elbows and knees. For my next cycle, I will be running Test, EQ and D-bol. I know that D-Bol makes one retain a lot of water but will this act in a similar fashion to the fluid retention one would get with Deca, making the joints pain free?
No I don't believe it will. I had a bad shoulder and elbow and it didn't do crap to relieve the pain. It also for some reason gave me lower back pain, slight.
The only thing that has helped me is a cycle containing Deca 400mg/wk. That is almost 2 yrs ago and along with glucosomine/chondroiten my joints still feel good.
Shit, with all of the horrible side effects associated with D-Bol- lower back pumps, liver stress, extreme water retention, etc.- are the positive aspects that sensational to go with it anyway?