Winstrol Only Cycle


New member
Hey Guys,

I need some advice. I am thinking of running a Winstrol only cycle. I am looking to get a lil bigger, and get very cut. I already have very good cuts, and strength. What would u guys reccomend as far as CC's, or any insight would be great.

Diet is the the winnie at 100 mgs EOD and run it for 8 weeks for the results you are seeking.
what else?? ok, I know some Winstrol is site injected. Or can i just shoot it regular. Plus, do i have to take some Glucosomine, i hear it kills your joints.
I would not recomend this cycle. I've never heard of anyone have fantastic results from a winny only cycle.
I know it sounds like BS but you could probable gaine what your looking for on a two or three week cycle if 1-test or methyl-1 or methyl - D.

I used 1-test for less than three weeks and I easily laid down a solid 5 pounds in that time period. Now it's three weeks later and I'm still gaining strength, wich is how I know that what i gained wasn't water.

I don't sell the stuff or have any interest other than personal use in the PH's and I can honestly say the stuff is really impressive. I think it will work well on a low call cutter. Just my two cents.
For what you're trying for, I suggest a test prop and EQ cycle. And add the winny in the last 6 weeks of the cycle. Try:

100-150 mgs test prop EOD weeks 1-12
~400 mgs EQ EW weeks 1-12
50 mgs winny ED weeks 7-12
I think you should add some test or deca. Start with test or deca and end with winny.
Good call on that...i liked the Methyl-D. I am very pumped for the 1-MT. Esp running it with a NYC stack...
I have been hearing some good thigns as far as running some winny for a summer only cycle. Mix in a good diet, and soem other good sups it sounds like it might work.
I took 500mg/wk of EQ for 5 weeks and 50mg Winni EOD for 6 weeks and gained 5 lbs and lost fat at the same time. I was extremely happy and it didn't kill my wallet. I kept almost everything. Strength, size, and cuts. I'm about to try out some Methyl-D and Testabolin AQ by BSN and see what happens. If its terrible, i'm going to go back to old faithful.
It really P**es me off when people advice on something thats not even being asked.

First off Winnie only will do shit for you, If your only looking for a little size and more cut go with a good diet massiv protein (6g/lbs body weight) and 50mcg of LR3 IGF1, this will cut you up as well as give you a bit of size, also you will not mess with your HTPA cycklus.
O Yea, ill go pick up a LR3 IGF1 kit at GNC...Some of it is pretty hard to come by. I can't get alot of the shit.