Search results

  1. G

    vitamix blender

    anyone have one of these....i just got one from costco today...hoping that it will help me stay on the right track as far as eating healthy (on my way home i will feel too guilty getting fast food when i know i can whip up a healthy smoothy)
  2. G

    sauna and steam room

    anyone use the sauna or steam room? what are the pros cons of both....ive been using the steam room after workouts but does it really do anything or is it a waste of time thanks
  3. G

    is 4 days in a row too much

    im thinking of this.... monday-chest/tris tuesday-legs wednesday-back/bis thursday-shoulders then take off fri through sunday the mon through thursday thing is kinda the only time i can go do to school and work 4 times a week and a fucked up swing shift at work two 2nd shifts and...
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    hey seems like my front delts get enough work from chest day when i bench.....but i think they are too big compared to the rest of my what should i do for shoulder day? should i just forget about military presses for a while? .....what are the best exercises for the...
  5. G

    my leg day

    i did squats, stiff leg dead lifts, seated calf raises and standing calf raises keep in mind that i am just getting back into lifting it seems like its too short do those exercises leave anything out or would that cover the legs good just trying to figure stuff out for when im...
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    animal pak

    just got a can of animal pak for the first time.....all i can say is damn thats a lot of pills what multi do you guys take?
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    best creatine

    ive taken size on before and like that a lot....anyone know of anything better than size on
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    i havent really worked out in a few years

    and i need a good training split to help me break myself in.....just signed up at the new xsport in chicago (south loop) it opens next week and i cant wait to get in shape again
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    any kettlebell users in here

    i know theyre not the best to put on size but i think theyre pretty good for cardio if you dont like running and for getting in a quick workout at home if you cant make it to the gym any thoughts
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    good diets

    is the body for life diet any looking for something easy to understand and straightforward ......sometimes i read stuff and i dont know what the hell is going what are some diets that fit my need.....thanks guys
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    colon cleanse

    anyone ever take anything to clean their colon out?......something husk i think its called .......i hear theres junk that stays in there and just builds up
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    anyone ever hear of it?........sounds pretty interesting
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    anyone use these and what do u think about them......i was thinking of getting the handles that u can load plates on and adjust weight.......are they worth it?.....thanks
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    what do you guys do for inflamation?......i have a lot in my upper back by my scapula where the shoulder stuff connects to it and it sucks....i took some motrin but its not all that any info would be a great help
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    mma lifting routine?

    anyone know what kind of routine that mma, ufc, ect. fighters use ?would it be similar to a boxing routine?
  16. G

    shoulder injuries

    i hurt my shoulder like 2 months ago at jujitsu and it still hurts...i can probly bench 205 for 8 when my pre injury bench was more like 225 for 10-12....who knows i can probly get the 225 but i dont want to press my luck......when i hurt it i fell straight down with my hands palm down by my...
  17. G

    m1t question

    if i bought a bunch of m1t before they ban it how long would it be good for before it goes bad?