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  1. G


    How many ML is in each bottle? I’m not seeing this info while using iPhone. The same question for aqua-cialis?
  2. G

    Old (expired ?) IGF

    I have some old IGF, probably 5 years old. I have about 3 ml worth that been sitting in my fridge. Any chance it's still good? Worth using?
  3. G

    Blood work questions

    Haven't used in years & in the past most of my blood work was always centered around lipids & overall health. I do not remember total test numbers. Currently into week 6 of test ace (125 eod) & npp (100 eod) . Also recently started proviron @ 25md ED to help with what seemed like deca dick...
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    Liquid Labz Immense Growth Factor-1

    am i missing something here- isn't mc's igf= liquid labz?
  5. G

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    there are now two naps sites, the original, and a new one with differ. website ending (.com/.net)
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    Geneza Pharmaceuticals

    this is the new ugl offered by nap****r's new site, they have some pretty damn good prices but i dont know if he's to be trusted (with all the axio bs), anyone got any news on them.
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    semen volumizers

    I have noticed taking some herbal pill called "fenugreek" i dont know how much it will maximize your launch but it sure help me replenish day to day. like $4/, that reminds me i need to restock no im off proviron and clomid
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    Fucking Acne!!

    still a little early to tell according to most studies, it seems as some areas are drying up and some areas are still getting all the bacteria to the surface... sides are full on though, insomnia and night sweats, blood pressure, aggression/irritable, one good thing i found out was accutane make...
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    Fucking Acne!!

    clomid is known to cause acne
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    Fucking Acne!!

    good to hear
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    igf and slin run options

    in the next few weeks i will be running my igf along with low dose slin (5-8 ius pwo) my question pertains to the igf...... option 1 igf 40mcg/day (20 bilateral) 5 days/wk for 90 days or option 2 igf 80mcg/day (40 bi) 5 days/wk for 45 days (also chances are all injects will be in bis and tris...
  12. G

    7 years off, comin back! sust/deca/dbol

    agreed, i would also suggest hitting it for some time natural and allow some possible muscle and strength memory to bounce back.
  13. G

    Opinions on this cycle please...

    it is not necessary to split up but could make it less painful, i would probably do 1cc of each on tues/thurs split also, + one for the anti-progesterone, i've actually used bromocriptine at 1 tab/day and my nips were still sensitive, at one point they could lactate if i pinched hard
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    test suspension/ next run

    i did, some time last week, thanks
  15. G

    T-3 substitutes

    there a few natural herbs/supplements that can help slightly, i cant remember off hand but you can probably google it, i will try to look and update.
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    Fucking Acne!!

    good luck with pro-active, some people i know swear by it, but for me back in high school- it didnt do the trick, back then i had no body acne just a few on the face- but it didnt help- back then what helped was a cream/gel called tazorac (active ingredient:tazoratine) -awesome shit. my problem...
  17. G

    Fucking Acne!!

    somewhere around $1.50-$1.85/20 mg pill......if you any insurance you may be able to get cheaper from derm. i bought mine from either canada or overseas