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  1. Veinlover

    26 yrs 198lbs

    Proud, now that i"m looking at your avatar more carefully, you look amazing! YOu dieted down 60 lbs!!! and didn't lose all your muscle? amazing!! How'd you cut that much, over what time frame? Your vascularity is really terrific, and great pecs!! Biceps look good, too, big biceps veins for...
  2. Veinlover

    26 yrs 198lbs

    Proud, maybe you are right, he is TOO perfect. I guess we'll see. Is your avatar you? If so, love your shoulder veins, very nice. Nice pecs, too. And, clearly not from a modelling agency, lol
  3. Veinlover


    Considering the theoretical benefit of this stuff, I'm very surprised not to have heard more about it on various BB sites and boards. The explanations make total sense, but why have more people not tried it? V.
  4. Veinlover

    26 yrs 198lbs

    MY GOD, your body is almost perfect, you look like one of the great pros from the past , before guys got to be so rediculously huge. What a beautiful body. V.
  5. Veinlover

    Starting Lipostabil tomorrow

    So, Just so I under stand this, Lipostabil is some sort of fat dissolver you inject in your abs with a slin pin, once or twice a week, better with a bit of lidocain, and in a period of two months you lost 8"!!!! Does your abs look natural, where in the hell did all that fat go? I'm now 36" in...
  6. Veinlover

    Professional Bodybuilding sucks ......

    While I recognise that pro women's bodybuilding is in even more trouble than men's, to me the women pro's are much, much closer to what bodybuilding is all about than the men. I realise the women use drugs and are by no means natural, but I think the end result is simply an amazing physique...
  7. Veinlover

    testoserone magazine/Mag-10

    "supplements" I don't know if those posts were aimed at me or not, but when it comes to steroid precursor type supplements, I agree completely, just go with the real thing, assuming you are morally and practically able to over come the legal issues. In my case, it is a NON-issue, since I...
  8. Veinlover

    testoserone magazine/Mag-10

    Biotest I think they make a reasonable effort to come up with creative and novel products, such as HOT ROX. HOWEVER, with all due respect, their editorial policy on the forum makes me truly wonder about them, because if you attempt a post that even HINTS at a negative comment or even a...
  9. Veinlover

    Cardiac Capacity to develop pro-size quads

    I don't know if this is the best forum for this question, but I keep wondering why cardiac capacity isn't the limiting factor in women developing huge (eg 26") quads. It seems to me the muscle mass involved relative to a typical woman's natural total body muscle mass is staggering, and the...