
  1. S

    Question on how much pct to take.

    I had all my cycles I've done in my iphone saved but lost all of it when I jumped ship to a droid . I'm 510 195 around 12% bf . So this is my cycle I'm about to do. 700 mg/ week test e 1-16 weeks 150 mg eod npp 1-14 75 mg eod tren This is my first cycle with tren though. I've ran 500 test...
  2. Iron Game

    Specific Anabolic Steroid Cycles For Different Goals---WOW

    Goal-Specific AAS Cycles for the Serious Lifter by Mike Arnold All PED users, at some point during the infancy of their AAS use, begin contemplating which “stack” would be best suited to their goals. This type of speculation is always accompanied by the question…”What should I use and how...
  3. P

    I know 2 nor-19 but what you guys think of my next cycle

    1-16 200mg test phenyl prop eod 1-14 200mg NPP eod 1-12 75mg tren ace eod 8-16 50mg anavar ed 1-16 1mg caber twice a week 1-16 30mg aromasin ed 8-16 500iu HCG twice a week 1-16 20mg cardarine eod Not going to go into pct but yes I'll have good pct
  4. guardianactual

    Q&A With IFBB PRO PART 17 NPP dosage ?

    Q. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. You helped me out big time in the past and appreciate it. I was just wondering what dosage would you recommend running NPP at ? I'm getting mixed answers and trying to come to a conclusion before I start my spring blast cycle in April. Right...