ab training

  1. Ox 51

    Six-Pack Punch

    SIX-PACK PUNCH Vary weight and rep ranges for better ab development. Jim Stoppani, PhD Photography by: PAVEL YTHJALL HYPOTHESIS Most bodybuilders stick to traditional bodyweight exercises for abs, such as crunches, bicycle crunches and hanging leg raises at about 20 reps per set. Yet...
  2. Ox 51

    Rep Speed for Abs

    SLOW VS. FAST REP SPEED Which rep speed is best for sculpting your abs? OPENING ARGUMENTS Defense Doing ab exercises at a slow and controlled pace is important to enhance ab muscle size and definition. Bodybuilders have long used slow and controlled movements to increase the time under...
  3. Ox 51

    Ripped Abs

    PRO TRAINING PARTNER: JIMMY CANYON Ripped abs in four easy moves July 22, 2009 FLEXONLINE.COM Good ab training doesn't need to be complicated to be effective. And 2007 Europa Super Show 202 and under seventh place finisher Jimmy Canyon, owner of some of the deepest abs in the business...
  4. Ox 51

    Build a Classical Physique

    BUILD A CLASSICAL PHYSIQUE Rusty Jeffers gives the dos and don'ts to sculpting a classical physique November 3, 2009 FLEXONLINE.COM A month before turning 45, Rusty Jeffers placed seventh in the 2009 Australian Grand Prix. He is noted for his classical, proportional physique, and here he...
  5. Ox 51

    Ed Nunn's Abs

    ED’S ABS The abs etching secrets of Ed Nunn May 19, 2010 FLEXONLINE.COM Tall bodybuilders aren’t noted for their slim waistlines and deep abs. That’s suppose to be a “little guy” thing, right? Ed Nunn says, "Hell no!" The 6'1" Nunn completed a super sweep in 2008, winning the...