
  1. yourmuscleshop

    The world's strongest Man, The Best - EDDIE HALL

    The Beast who can Lift Half of Ton - The world's strongestman, The Best - EDDIE HALL . In 2010, Dave Meer of Tamworth had to drop out of the England championships organized by Elite Strongman because of injury. He arranged for Hall to take his place, which led to Hall making it into the 2010...
  2. drtbear1967

    2 handed landmine press

    Two-Handed Landmine Press – Secure one end of a barbell in a corner or on a landmine base. This version allows heavily loaded progressive shoulder training and doubles as a chest training tool. . 1. Grasp the bar symmetrically with both hands. . 2. Press your palms together and the weight...
  3. Presser

    Enhanced 2 The Max Documentary Released Today. Tony Huge

    Tony Huge’s wild claims are finally put to the test in Enhanced 2 The Max.The official release trailer for Enhanced 2 The Max has dropped just hours before the film is released across the world. If you want to be one of the first to watch it – you can pre-order it right now on all major digital...
  4. Jumbo Shrimp

    Hafthor Bjornsson competes

    Over the weekend, the 2018 World’s Strongest Man and Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson competed in Thor’s Powerlifting Challenge, which took place during the Iceland Open expo in Laugardalshöll, Reykjavík, Iceland. In early November when Bjornsson first announced that he’d be competing in...
  5. Jumbo Shrimp

    700 raw squat

    <header class="td-post-title" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Powerlifter Russel Orhii Squats Incredible 700 lbsBy Scott Robert - <time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2018-12-31T11:42:54+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">December 31, 2018</time> </header> <figure...
  6. Ox 51

    LeBron's Dunk Gets Blocked!

    You don't see it often, in fact they think it is only the 9th time, but Jarrett Allen blocked Lebron James's dunk attempt last night. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope...
  7. drtbear1967

    Push for new growth.

    If today's session is an upper-body workout featuring incline dumbbell presses, pulldowns, triceps extensions, and hammer curls, presumably you did that same workout about a week ago. That means you've got some benchmark numbers to base today's training targets on. If you incline-pressed...
  8. Iron Game

    Rich Putnam Benches 1000lbs!

    No this is not an April Fools joke! On April 1,2017, at the 15th Annual Monster Bench in Cooperstown,NY, Rich Putnam accomplished a powerlifting milestone and lifelong dream with a 1000lb. Bench press! Rich has been lifting for 20 years and is the head of the Gorilla Pack Powerlifting team. It...
  9. C

    Training a weak body part daily

    In an attempt to somehow try and make my biceps more impressive I have came up with the idea that I will do 5 sets of concentration curls with a 25lb dumbbell at home every night before I shower other than my actually arm day. Has anyone done this type of thing before? I have heard people like...
  10. S

    Joint pain bad

    Please need advice, just turned40 neverhad these issues but for about a yr. Mydam elbows kill me and I wake up mid of night almost in tears my hands the pain is unbearable I cant train at all.if I attempt a curl thats it id scream dont know what to do, done the ice treatments with naproxen, 8wk...