2 Clen questions...


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1) does Clen help you shed water weight?

2) in MC Clen how many mcg are in a drop? or in a dropper?

I know this second question isn't exactly black and white but I wanted some opinions on it.

thanks bro's
Clen supplements diet and cardio to remove BF.
There are 200mcgs of clen in one dropperful of MC clen.
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Not to take over your thread, but what about taking clen while on creatine. I've never really done a cutter and I don't wanna lose that much strength only because I play football and I can't afford to lose that much.
Clen has anti-catabolic properties so it actually helps you burn fat and mantain muscle mass while doing it. I see no reason why you couldn't take it while taking Creatine.

And thanks for the info MMX2!
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