24yrs old DEAD from Slin...

One of my buddy's best friends died last week in his sleep. We all knew he was an A.A.S. user and experimented with ALL sorts of different things. My friend told me that when he died he was using DNP, Clen, T3, HGH, and Insulin... so when he died there were ALL kinds of different possible reasons, I thought he may have dehydrated from the DNP, it is 90 degrees here...
Autopsy said he died from low blood sugar, they think he took a dose of Insulin too late in the eveneing and went Hypoglycemic in his sleep and died. SAD day for those who knew him well... just another reality check to us!
sorry for your loss bro, I hope boards like this can help keep people educated so things like this don't happen in the future.
Slin is nothing to play around with, def. one of the most, if not the most powerful and most dangerous drugs we can use in this sport.

Sorry about your and your buddy's loss.
very sorry to hear this very sad why i never wanna use insulin if done right i know most of the time your ok but it still scares the living shit out of me to think about it very sorry again though
DNP, Clen, T3, HGH, and Insulin. :dizzy:

If he was on all that stuff I dunno wtf he thought was gonna happen.

Sad to hear that he died but reality is that cocktail is pretty f'ing stupid.

It's people like this and stories like these that give steroids a bad name.
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sorry for you loss southern!...

Slin scares the crap out of me- Not sure if Ill ever use it.
That was an extreme combo.......Sometimes we need to step back and take things slow. Sorry about your friends friend passing.
DNP, Clen, T3, HGH, and Insulin....nothing listed was gear (although im sure he may have been on some).

im sure although the report says low blood sugar....the word will be that 'he died of steroids'.

it sucks that he has to be an example, but his example may save others someday.
I'm sorry about your friend bro. This just goes to show you the dangers of slin. Let this be a warning to all...I have used slin in the past and I now have the belief that it just should not be used at all. It's just not worth the risks involved with it.
If your going to slin then you need to get a tester, so you can watch your blood sugar! I've done it before, but not in that combo!!!

DNP+CLEN-pretty extreme fat burning; I think may have been more of a factor in his death than the insulin:

external source: "DNP is one of the most controversial drugs in use by bodybuilders today. This agent is..readily available as an industrial chemical. Among other things it's used for the production of certain dyes, for photographic development, as a fungicide, in wood presure treatment to prevent rotting, and as an insectacide."

..also the drug has been known to cause blindness..and to cause body temperature to reach such high levels as to be damaging and in some cases fatal..

especially when you consider clen also can cause overheating when too much is taken!
Very sorry for your loss man, that really sux. but a combination of all those things isnt a good thing at all.
Sorry about your loss it is very important to take your last shot of insulin a few hours prior to sleeping. Or this is a definative effect it ma have. However as other have mentioned the combination of drugs he was using definately could have been partial to his cause of death.
