adding some winstrol + tren to current cycle


New member
currently doing testosterone only at 250 milligrams. I am on trt and my trt dose is about half of that so I decided to double up the dose to see what would happen.
I’m looking to blast some winstrol and tren now. What dosages of each do you recommend?
I would like to get some strength gains and also cut some body fat I’m about 11% body fat and I am 170 pounds
currently doing testosterone only at 250 milligrams. I am on trt and my trt dose is about half of that so I decided to double up the dose to see what would happen.
I’m looking to blast some winstrol and tren now. What dosages of each do you recommend?
I would like to get some strength gains and also cut some body fat I’m about 11% body fat and I am 170 pounds
tren and winny is sweet

200mgs trenbolone
30-50mgs winstrol
250mgs test base
some n2guard
cardarine gw