

Gold Member
I know drinking is bad and interferes with training. But how bad is it? I know it dehydrates you alot, but how else does it hurt your muscles and/or cardio workouts?
Well....the booze you drink is usually high carb crap and a bunch on empty calories on top of....

When you drink it tends to mess up your diet in these ways.... That night while under the influence (you tend to eat a ton of shit from some fast food place, late night, which is even worse).

It messes up your diet the next day, usually don't feel like eating as much as you should and if you do, it's still likely crap.

It dehydrates you as you mentioned.

It messes up your sleep, either you don't get a good night's sleep or you sleep to the afternoon the next day (missing some meals here).

Plus if your on anything, watch out for your liver. It has to metabolize the supps youre taking and the booze.

I still drink on occasion tho I'm not going to lie. But when I do, I go bacardi and diet cola (no carbs). and I buy what I'm going to eat before I start drinking so I eat productivley. I still oversleep tho, that's my downfall. I miss at least 2 meals and have to try and play cath-up all day long.
I end up behind as well. If you are out until 1:00, you end up sleeping til 10:00 and that is about 2 meals. Lay around all day, get nothing done...It always seems like such a good idea at the time. I also heard it alters carb metabolism, causing your body to store all the carbs you eat rather than use them for anabolism :drooling:
i usally end up in jail when i drink and the meals are horrible there LOL so i just kinda stopped drinking..
Buying the food before you start drinking is a good idea i'll have to try that. This may sound stupid but what is the best beer to drink (low carb)? I realize no beer is the best beer but if i'm gonna drink i'd rather have it be somewhat good. And i swear i'm not an alchy!!!!
Anything 80 proof or higher is no carb. if yuo get a diet coke back, you should be good. Jack and diet is my 2nd choice.

I've never realy researched beer, but i'd imagine a light beer. Michelob has an ultra light that's supposed be be pretty low.
nay dude, i get drunk eat a bunch of taco bell shit-drink more and puke it all up :thumbsup: it's the natural balance of things
It can fuck with your gains in some ways but mostly it causes your diet to slide and if your worried about excess fat gain I would worry. Chances are like Jaywooly said, while drinking your not going to eat every 3 hours nor do I think you would chow don't of grilled chicken breast and brown rice while in the middle of a case. Alcohol also depletes your body of calcium, vitamin b, water and creatine.
haha glen about the show off a chicken breast in the middle of a case thats awesome. i have done it before though right in the middle of a party i wnet out to the truck and got a tupperwear full of chicken and rice hahah. people looked at me funny but i didnt give a shit.
yeah i try to avoid it as much as possible but now that I'm a married bloke in my mid thirties everytime I go out people are pouring me a glass of wine. I definitely don't get drunk anymore especially when I'm on a cycle. Last couple of weeks with the holidays were a little harder to refrain but I just popped an extra Liv-52 and some cranberry extract everyday and probably had 3 or 4 glasses of wine a week.
Yeah, I think going overborad is the main concern here...once in a while is one thing, but for those of us who are prone to abuse (alcohol or other), it can be a problem.

The main thing of course is focus, which at times can be nothing but cumbersome. So on those bad nights, as some of the others have said, diet cola, even better caffiene free diet cola (saves some of us from our kidney problems) will help. Of course, poundin' the alcohol everyday is only going to kill you, but if you keep things in perspective, like our 'once a week' (or maybe more, depends) cheat days with food, you can still lead a healthy life.

As long as you don't go crazy with it, a night here and there isn't gonna derail you from your goals. As long as the day after isn't a hangover-filled puke fest; just work the shit off and keep growin'!!