All MCAS Orders Info

dude ur stuff was sent to the address u have listed in ur store account, and i told u this a week ago almost and asked if u could get it, so knock off the dramatics and stupid shit
if you would check your PMs I told you that NO I COULD NOT I can't take off work to drive 3 hours to pick up a package that has been sitting in the sun for 3 days or some old fart has already picked up and is causing me trouble
and I sent you my NEW mailing address 3x in your PMs because the mailing addy was not updated is not my fault-I did my end of the bargain and followed the instructions that you gave me to a tee
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dude, why don't you have your stuff sent to your home? what's up with this shit anyway? 3 hours to get a fucking package? dude
humm apparently you gave him the info first to be sent 3 hours away from you if its ruint from the heat and shit i dont think its his fault maybe you should give the right info the first time
no, the info that he had was from my previous address-I haven't lived there for 3 months-I sent him the new address 3x PM style
he never told me I had go to the store and update the address-I figured that since the new address was on the same PM as the MCTN he would send it to that addy...these were the instructions that he gave me when I made the order

Presser is right I need to knock off the dramatics and stupid shit...right now I would like to publicly apologize to both Presser and Jay for having to endure my immature bullshit the past couple of's all due to misdirected stress...right now I'm stressed out because of my job and my personal all hit me a couple of hours ago when a buddy of mine told me that here lately I have been a real dickhead to everyone and I need to knock it off.
Presser is a good guy and he's been going through a lot lately and the last thing he needs is people aggravating him adding to stress.
I didn't come on this board to burn bridges and make enemies I'm here for the same reason that everyone else share and acquire knowledge that will help with bodybuilding.
Once again I do apologize.

The world doesn't need another asshole it needs another guy with 22 inch arms :thumbsup:
You are treading on thin ice.
I will talk with the other directors to see wha needs to be done.
I am not in a good mood these days, and people have been trying to help you.
as a matter of fact if one of the mods or reps could be so kind as to delete this post that would be great-no useful info can be obtained from it anymore
dorian123 said:
it all hit me a couple of hours ago when a buddy of mine told me that here lately I have been a real dickhead to everyone and I need to knock it off.


sounds like someone is on tren :D