Almost blew a fuse!

Glen Whitestone

New member
Man, I am working a cycle right now of anadrol, Sus250 and Decca. I do a little winny when I am running the "a" to keep the bloat down. The point is someone really pissed me off Friday at work. This little shit thought he could try and get loud with me. I defused the situation and left because I don't want to get fired but I think I lost something. I wanted to grab his friggin head and mash my thumbs in his eye sockets while I banged his head against a wall and split it like a rotting pumpkin! I was full of rage the entire day and still am. My pressure has got to be through the roof. I worked out in the gym hard today to no avail. I feel like a few drinks but not till I'm off the gear. This dude pissed me off more than if someone spit in my mothers face. Anyone ever kick someones ass and regreted it or had to bit their tonge and suck it up when brought to the point of snapping? :curse:
agreed bro...just take a step back and relax. Hard sometimes but it's always for the best. I used to be able to get pretty pissed about things, but these days I'm almost too calm about everything. I want to get on cycle just so I can be a little more aggresive as nothing really fires me up anymore. lol.
Glen Whitestone said:
Man, I am working a cycle right now of anadrol, Sus250 and Decca. I do a little winny when I am running the "a" to keep the bloat down. The point is someone really pissed me off Friday at work. This little shit thought he could try and get loud with me. I defused the situation and left because I don't want to get fired but I think I lost something. I wanted to grab his friggin head and mash my thumbs in his eye sockets while I banged his head against a wall and split it like a rotting pumpkin! I was full of rage the entire day and still am. My pressure has got to be through the roof. I worked out in the gym hard today to no avail. I feel like a few drinks but not till I'm off the gear. This dude pissed me off more than if someone spit in my mothers face. Anyone ever kick someones ass and regreted it or had to bit their tonge and suck it up when brought to the point of snapping? :curse:

I do the win with the drol this as well and it really helps.
I am on test-e, tren-e, test prop, slin and winny right now. I was very close this week to quitting work because people were pissing me off royally and the stress over meeting deadlines has never been so bad.
The gym does not help at all.
As bad as it feels when someone is pissing you off if you lose it and stomp their head in you will feel a lot worse in prison for GBH or manslaughter, thats the way I look at it
I can get really pissed off too. I feel it way more the first two days after an injection. I'm more aggressive (in a good way really), but when I get really offended, watch out. Someone pissed me off at work just a little bit ago, but there's nothing I can do except step back and be silent. I have to be quiet because if they say anything more or force me to respond, I'd probably blow up in their face.
I too have had fits of fury as of late. I'm on the tren and test enanthates.

I almost walked-out on my job 2 days ago. Since then it's almost like I'm picking arguments w/ my superiors to get pissed-off.

Weird. I hope I make it through this cycle.

If you're looking for help on this one, I just aint got it. Try this maybe, lol:
Just remember, a man is only about as big as what makes him angry.
I used to be like that, seemingly picking arguments out of thin air with my superiors in work. It got me hated in my last two jobs and got fired from the last one after an argument got out of hand verbally with the boss! Thing is, I thought I was in the right ALL the time, but for the most part I was just a dick because I was "on" and very aggressive. Now I have an office job where theres very little pressure and no real opportunities for arguing. However, like what was said earlier if I do feel like "killing" someone, I just think of the cosequences it would have on me and my family if I was to go to prison for gbh or worse.
chances are if u r on aas people suspect it and beating the fuck out of someone only brings a worse image our love 4 the iron. and 4 the most part people know u can rip them apart.
I don't have a problem with getting angry really. It's difficult to make me mad, and my wife will attest to that fact. She's Brazillian with a hot temper--she gets mad that I don't get mad at some things that have happened to us. It takes a lot to get me angry, and in my earlier post above, the person in question pushed me over the line.

I think that AAS do make you more aggressive, but in the most part, they don't cause the rage like the media has been leading everyone to believe. Personally, I think we get angry because so many people nowadays think only of themselves and intentionally piss other people off. If people were more polite like they were back in the 50s, I doubt we'd be getting so mad.
logan said:
agree with tony u r a product of ur envirornment

You mean like goldfish? How they get bigger if they're in a bigger tank? That's why all the big athletes come from texas. Just my theory.