Angelblue Pics


So angel,

What are your goals and all? Do you do weight training in addition to the running? Hows your diet look?

Hi's me...Newfiechick!!!! I just had to join to see your photos!!!! Oh, look great!!!!! (I'm jealous! :laugh: )
Keep up the great look awesome!! :thumbsup:

You have built a great foundation to work with. You got some good size and shap on you, and Im sure you could look even better if put some more focus in cleaning up the diet. What are you doing for conditioning at this time? I know your running, how often and how long. WHat does your training split look like? WHat goals have you set in your mind. Are you using supplements/gear? If so what is your current regimen. Keep up the hard work its paying off.

Thank you. No supps or anything.

I run for about 3.5 miles a day; sometimes 7 miles. I'm working on a new split right now...any suggestions?!?!

I am trying to diet right now (when I'm not cheating---such as lately) looks like:

1bread (such as oatmeal)
1 milk (cup of skim milk)


1 fruit (small apple)
2 fat (tbsp of natural peanut butter)

1 bread (such as a cup of bean soup)
1-2 vegetables (such as bean soup if I have peas)
Protein (tuna...about 2 servings)

Pre-Workout snack
1 milk (1 cup of sugar free/fat free yogurt)
1 fruit (small apple)

Post workout snack
1 fruit (cup of grape juice)
protein (protein bar)


1 bread (bean soup or whole wheat roll)
1 vegetable (peas or carrots)
protein (tuna---about 5 servings)

My goal at the moment is to add strength for push-up, sit-up, pull-up, etc. And to look good. ;)

Feel free to critique my diet
With as much as your running. I am going to suggest you double your protein intake. Your more then likely tapping into your muscle and burning some of it as energy.

What you are consuming for protein is probably 1g per lb of bodyweight. Correct me if Im wrong. 1 can of tuna is approximately 36g of proteing your eat maybe 3 cans a day to get 7 servings. The little amount your getting from the rest of your diet isnt going to add up to much more. So Im estimating your no taking in even 150g per day.

Your taking in almost as many simple carbs/sugar from apples and grape juice as you are taking protein. Drop one apple replace it with a green veggie or sweet potato for a energy source.

Grapes/grapejuice is probably is probably the worst of fruits/simple sugars where dieting is concerend stick to your granny smith apples or a bannana.

Add the following into your diet in place of some of that soup, try some chicken, turkey, fish or 95% lean ground beef/sirloin. Eat red meat earlier in the day if this is your substititute. Most soup has a high sodium content. Sodium will increase your water retention.

Not telling you to redesign your entire diet but just tweak it so you get more protein in there and a bit less of the simple carbs. When you do have those simple carbs, take them either first thing in the morning or right after you run/do cardio or before your workout. Add a low carb protein shake or two if necessary to get the protien you need with 1-2 of your meals.

If you feel you dont have enough enegry through out the day (you should if your eating every 2-3 hours) Take some enegry pills such as SyntheBurn or Xenedrine. (ECA Stack)

Training Routine

For adding new muscle simply keep your training to a minimum. Less is better Lift hard and heavy keep work set between 4-6 reps. Your split can be 1or 2 bodyparts per day whatever you prefer. You should have 1 good warm up sets 8-15 lighter reps of each exercise and 1 real working set. Dont seem like much but it does wonder for putting on new size/musclemass. Be sure your getting proper amount of rest and drink plenty of water. Atleast a 1 gallon a day.
