Another piece of crap killed


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Just watched the video of cops shooting a knife wielding thug in MO. He came at the cops with a knife after robbing a store, they told him to stop and put the knife down. He said fuck you, shoot me, shoot me now mother Fucker, as he approached the cop. They shot him, just like they should have.
Been watching this video over and over, and this was just what he wanted. Took me a few times to decipher ail of the verbiage. He robbed the store just so the cops would come, and he said, "I'm gonna say you know who I am? I'm standing my ground. I'm tired of this shit". He wanted to be shot.
The real bullshit here is he got what he wanted or had coming and if he hadnt he probably would have hurt a innocent person cause he was fuc*ed in the head.
Now all the people that are protesting and rioting because of it, I would love to put anyone of those shitheads in the cops shoe and see what they do, I'm guess 95% would have pulled the trigger way earlier out of sheer panic or terror call it what you will but those damn portester are idiots and have no idea what its like to be in a situation like that or probably even close to that but yet stand around causing hate and mayhem.\
Sorry touched a slight nerve but all better now lololol
Oh and make sure your volume is turned up, so you can hear the talking. At least until the police crime scene tape starts going up.
yeah i seen the video! Fucker got too close to the one cop and he blasted him! good! one less piece of shit!
he emptied that fucking clip bro

good, the guy could have been on PCP or somewhat for all he knew lol, i would have emptied it too, then reloaded and emptied it again lol, then maybe gaze the fucker to make sure he is dead lol, who knows lol
The guy obviously wanted to die that day. Saying "shoot me mother fucker, shoot me" while walking aggressively at police officers will not end well for you.

For the people that say they should have tazed him they have no idea what they are talking about. Tazers do not always work, not every officer even carries a tazer and if the officer deploys a tazer and it doesnt work now you have a struggle for the officers gun. This is a clean shoot...
As I had to explain to others, I've seen tazers used and not stop a guy, and shooting in the leg does not stop a guy from pulling a gun out of his waistband and shooting somebody. The only sure way to make sure nobody else gets injured or killed is to drop the terrorist.
People dont understand that tazers have huge limitations. The officer gets ONE shot with the tazer and if BOTH barbs to not make contact then its not going to work. Reloading for a second shot takes too much time when a subject is under 25 feet. A person can close that gap in about 2 seconds.

Another thing to realize that if someone is armed with a deadly weapon the tazer is the wrong level of use of force for an officer. They are taught to use a level above the threat. So if the person is armed with just hands, then tazer is called for. If the person is armed with a knife then a gun is called for.

This to me looked like a classic suicide by cop. Wish granted.
Ed Zachery! He got what he wanted, because he was jealous that brown was being idolized by the black community. He wanted to be idolized too. He wanted to be famous. He did the world a favor that day.