Any hockey fans?


New member
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to know if anyone out there is a hockey fan? If so do you miss it? what are you doing instead of hockey? I know this may seem far out for those of you down south but around here well let's just say we're slowly running out of things to do.

I am sports writer up here and I guess this is just my way of doing a non scientific research and peak into the minds of sport fans around the globe.

see ya
Yeah i enjoy watching hockey but the whole situation is ridiculous.
Its billionaires fighting with millionaires over money.
The average family can't afford tickets to go watch a hockey game.

Hockey in Canada is a Religion. But I think that when hockey starts up again theres gonna be alot less fans and alot less people paying to go watch games.

I also think it is really wrong for the NHLers to go over to Europe and other places and play. I watched interviews on TV where guys who play hockey for a living in Europe are getting kicked out of leagues in order to make room for the NHLers to come play hockey. I dont think its right. Alot of people in other countrys play hockey for a living to raise their families not to have the stardom and make millions. For the NHLers to go take that away from people is wrong.

I would love to see Replacement players come into the league and play. It would give alot of people an opportunity to play and it would be fueled by passion and the love of the game instead of greed and money like the NHL is now.
bc_girl said:
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to know if anyone out there is a hockey fan? If so do you miss it? what are you doing instead of hockey?

I coach my son's squirt team and play about 2 nights a week. I've been watching more college and high school hockey than usual since the lockout. Chris Bourque, Ray's son is very exciting to watch. He's a Freshman with BU. I think we'll have a season in '05-'06 and without replacement players. Another unfortunate thing is the lack of a draft with the lockout. There's a lot of young kid's sitting in limbo. The whole situation sucks...


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Wall Street firm expresses desire to purchase NHL
Toronto, ON (Sports Network) - A Wall Street firm and a sports advisory company have reportedly expressed an interest to buy the entire NHL.

According to the Toronto Star, Bain Capital Partners LLC and Game Plan International, both Boston-based companies, are apparently willing to spend as much as $3.5 billion to purchase all 30 teams.

The companies are hoping that many owners would not be against selling their teams due to the current labor strife in the NHL. Also, the league has said its teams have lost almost $500 million over the past two years.

The league officially cancelled the season on February 16 despite many attempts to save a portion of the campaign.

Recently, Forbes magazine stated that the average NHL club was worth $163 million in 2003-04, but if the owners do decide to go through with the proposal that would lower the value of each team to about $117 million, although the larger-market clubs would be still be worth more.

The paper said that according to the plan, the NHL would be run in a single- ownership structure, which would be similar to a large corporation.

Every team in the league would then start the season with a pre-determined budget and would still make its own personnel decisions.

If the companies do succeed in buying out the NHL, it would not matter if the league and players reached an agreement, while a potential sale also would not affect the status of the NHLPA.

The two businesses feel that this move would add to the league's revenue because the teams would work as a whole, rather than individuals trying to beat each other.

03/03 10:00:56 ET
I have not watch a hockey game in years.....over paid bums!

I stopped watching it that last time they went on strike and I have not missed it at all!
I miss hockey. I'm a big Rangers fan and i'm very disappointed that the players and owners could not come to an agreement. At least baseball starts today. Lets go Yankees.
im so happy there is no hockey. there is so much more coverage of basketball now. im canadian to and i dont mind hockey. but i love basketball.
i'm from colorado, where we're almost as big on hockey as michigan, which is almost as big on hockey as canada. i've been to the hall of fame in t.o., and love the sport -- but i'm fuming angry at the players. how much money does a guy need to play a game for a living? :rolleyes:

i will say there was some brief discussion around here about the season being cancelled and our local newspaper is running the "video hockey league" where kids are playing one another for every game the avalanche would've had, but at this point everyone's moved on. it's really sad.