Zylo said:
I bring a 1.5 Litre bottle to the gym.

We live in a metric world! You guys need to get with the 1900's, they ended 4 years ago........


There was a big push to go metric here a long time ago... too confusing for Americans...
mmx2 said:
There was a big push to go metric here a long time ago... too confusing for Americans...

...i guess we Americans just realized tht if it wasn't broke then why fix it...LMAO
yeah i drink water too, about 2 glass every meal and lots with workin out and b4 bed too, but got to say that i have to piss about 4-5 times a nite, the best part is that i don't turn the lights on, so that i don't scare the sleep but i manage to fall back to sleep easily...i wish the bladder was alittle bigger or the piss would just vaporize or something, that would be awesome, but that's never gonna happen...
I carry 1 gallon with me in gym, work, school etc..... I keep 2 gallons in my truck which will be done by the time I get back home for the day. I pay $.59 a gallon so its cheap and effective and why pay $1.00 for a machine bottle of water when you can pay less than a dollar for same type of water????
I usually freeze about 3/4 a litre and then instant cold water wherever the hell i have to get it from, As long as it good cold (cold but not too cold to get brain freeze) I can usually survive the taste, however I'm lucky out of all the place I've lived I'm in arkansas now and the water here is pretty damn good. vegas was horrible
What is the molecular structure of water?What does it do for you?It provides a liuid enviroment for cell for cel process. Water generates within the cell through o xidation during normal metabolic processess. Urine excretion,stool excretion,respiration through the lungs skin evaporatin and sweat. what is the molecular structure of water? What does it do for the body?The water we drink penetrates into the cells of our body through cellular membranes. 2 gallons of water a day is okay when you drink it.It cretes a syphon. Th body normally does that if you force water into the system artificially it drowns. (SINK CROW NYZ swimmers if someone drowns do they all follow) Lack of potassium could cause a heart attack. Blood pressure can swoop very low and cause shock . There has to be fluids in your body to properly function . duiretics drain your body of potassium,sodium magnesium. electrolyte~no urine is a sign of a life threatening emergency.When you drain the fluid from your body it draws from other parts of your body. Sweating profusely in a hot room can also deplete fluid.
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Stickler said:
I carry a 1 gallon water jug.  I usually buy 1 a week or so (for cleanliness), but refill it with brita water before the gym.

Fuck fountain tap water, fuck waiting in line... work out, inbetween sets pick up the jug... and chug..  that's about it.

no worries, no fucking assholes, no shitty water taste and it's guaranteed always cold from my fridge to the car to the gym.

Same here bro...but sometimes i go to water dispensing unit and fill up my jugs that way...only .25 a gallon
Yep, I never go anywhere without my gallon jug. I have one or two in the car. I go through atleast 6-8 per week plus what I drink at restaurants and from the water cooler at the office.