Keeping this bumped up for a while is like displaying the severed head of an enemy for all to see. Using it as an example for others...this is what happens when you break the law in the realm of King Presser. "Hail to the King baby!"
That people do this is.....special. privacy? Security? Not getting thrown in Federal pound you in the ass penitentary? WTF - some people just dont think.
Have to forgive my lack of clarity...been living with 3 bulging discs and a closed "nerve exit point" in my spine. Very little sleep. I was thinking along the lines of questions like "where do I get IGF" and stuff, not full blown business dealings.

I agree, PMs are not secure AT ALL!
everytime you say that i think of that Leemar or whatever it is from Madagascar , King Julian lol,
Have to forgive my lack of clarity...been living with 3 bulging discs and a closed "nerve exit point" in my spine. Very little sleep. I was thinking along the lines of questions like "where do I get IGF" and stuff, not full blown business dealings.

I agree, PMs are not secure AT ALL!

sorry to hear this, i need a fusion c4-c7 so i know how bad and dibilitating that can be!
Lol a handful huh? I remember those days but my kids are... 28, 26, 16,and 14 years old now. But my 4 and 2 year old grandchildren love those movies..."shark tales" in particular. So I understand bro.

- - - Updated - - -

And yes I'm old
lol, well my eldest daughter is almost 20 years old lmao, so i covered all ends of the spectrum raising kids, lol
good bump, do you know somehting i dont iron-game? pm me if so!
No not at all. I did see a post about members not using secure email for "sensitive" business. So I figured a little reminder of the basics wouldn't hurt.

Truthfully I was shocked it needed to be said that using Gmail, yahoo, Hotmail and the like for sensitive information was a recipe for disaster.

Look at what happened recently with yahoo. That information is out there now.

Just incase anyone didn't know emails from basic email providers have your personal information in them. Even if you don't include that information when creating the account. Emails include your IP address hidden in them which can be linked back to the Internet service provider and could even be used to track down the specific device used to send the email.

I hope this makes sense to everyone.