Anything OTHER than preworkout stimulants??

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I think I'm over the preworkout stimulants for a while. I always use my IGF preworkout, and I'd like something to help me focus. I remember the nootropics from back in the day like peracetam(sp?) but I havent found any positive reviews about it. Does everyone here use a stimulant or are there other things out there?
Maybe you should go cold turkey for a few weeks and clean out your system. If their not working for you what could it hurt?
Maybe you should go cold turkey for a few weeks and clean out your system. If their not working for you what could it hurt?

They work. I'm just thinking the stress on the Adrenals along with how it seems to tear up my stomach maybe it's a little counterproductive.
Watch taking the stimulants bro, I've seen a couple guys develop Ulcertive Colitis from this or so says their doctors. Seeing what these guys go through scares the shit out of me. I take a Speed Stack (ABB) before working out and I only drink half before and the rest while I'm training
Watch taking the stimulants bro, I've seen a couple guys develop Ulcertive Colitis from this or so says their doctors. Seeing what these guys go through scares the shit out of me. I take a Speed Stack (ABB) before working out and I only drink half before and the rest while I'm training

With what I've been experiencing, I believe it. I'm done at least for a while. I'm hoping to find something else.
Yea, I don't know if I'm just paranoid or not, but I keep getting an upset stomach after training and keep thinking it's from the preworkout supps.
Bro, try to just use coffee. About 3-4 hours out from my workout, I start playing my "High-Light" reels. Just like sex. I remeber the great pumps and great lifts and how I look and feel in the mirror. You know, when nobody is looking and you could swear you are a fucking freak.
I do that and just use coffee and it usually works, except legs but thats another story. Also, I have been experimenting with cialis, tying it about once every 3-4 days and I have not come to any conclusions yet except it helps this 40 year old feel a little better in the bedroom, lol. Ill keep you posted
They make really good pre-workout supps that have no caffine or any other stimulants in them. C4 by cellucor is a really good one. I actually like the no stimulant one better. Levrone formula is also very good.
My training partner believes in rubbing one out or sex before heading to the gym:rolleyes:

I take the fifth.
Bro, try to just use coffee. About 3-4 hours out from my workout, I start playing my "High-Light" reels. Just like sex. I remeber the great pumps and great lifts and how I look and feel in the mirror. You know, when nobody is looking and you could swear you are a fucking freak.
I do that and just use coffee and it usually works, except legs but thats another story. Also, I have been experimenting with cialis, tying it about once every 3-4 days and I have not come to any conclusions yet except it helps this 40 year old feel a little better in the bedroom, lol. Ill keep you posted

Even Cialis is upsetting my stomach, but I was a champ last night if I do say so myself!! I need to order some TNE!
Even Cialis is upsetting my stomach, but I was a champ last night if I do say so myself!! I need to order some TNE!

How many mg? Im suppose to take 10 but 20mg with a script makes is skin splitting and love it.:bber: Can't imagine how it would be running test.

Been using liquids cialis and it is pretty awesome. Dosing about the same, around 20mg.
I'm not down with stimulants, but I talked to a guy who took levitra preworkout yesterday and said the pump and vascularity were legendary. I have always used cialis but the pump is just moderate. I can't wait to try levitra. He only took 5mg which is a fairly low dose.
How many mg? Im suppose to take 10 but 20mg with a script makes is skin splitting and love it.:bber: Can't imagine how it would be running test.

Been using liquids cialis and it is pretty awesome. Dosing about the same, around 20mg.

I'm using Liquidz as well and I take 20mg. IMO it is every bit as strong as a script
yeah im pretty much had it with pre workout stims...Im pretty burned out, and have gone cold turkey off them for over a week now. I thought it would be horriable, but im actully ok, and each day feel just a bit better, and better. the levitra thing I might try that...but anyone know of a good pre workout that has no stims but the focus factor's and pump effect ?
This is good info as I get used to stuff quickly. I have always like liposixx but I do get used to it after a few weeks. Anyone remember the original zendrine? This would have been about 12-14 years ago, I cannot remember what was it in but damn could I get some stuff done on that stuff! Of course they took whatever was in it out and now it sucks.
So I didnt read all the posts sorry fellas but i used to use the G series fit pre workout fuel and nitric oxide together I loved it! Its not for everyone though but makye give it a try.