Aqua Plex is now available...


Our pheraplex clone is now available. It is dosed at 25mg/ml and should yield results similar to anadrol and dbol. This will be replacing M1T if everything goes correctly. M1T has been a good seller, but it is outdated in terms of pro hormones and designer steroids so we are wanting to keep up with the times. Pheraplex has had good reviews and we hope that this gets the same reviews and I'm sure it will as all of our products are top notch.
I just posted , well copied then posted an article on this, didnt write it myself of course but its in article forum
Looking forward in giving this a test drive, thinking of stacking it with Epi, love to hear any feed back and thoughts on stacking these two?
how long is this supposed to be ran for? and at what amount?

Like any PH or DS cycles, 4 week runs are recommended however 6-8 aren't unheard of. Normal doses run anywhere between 15-50mg so we dosed ours at 25mg per dose so I'd say to start with one dose and see how it works and maybe go up from there and capping it at 2 doses daily
So 25 mgs is one full dropper? Or what's the best way to measure it out?

Looking forward in giving this a test drive, thinking of stacking it with Epi, love to hear any feed back and thoughts on stacking these two?
If you are sensitive to prolactin, I might choose something different than epi since epi under heat can turn into DMT (the phera plex compound not the spirit molecule LOL) and also since some suggest epi might convert in small amounts to phera.

I'm a pro with epi and it definitely activates progesterone.
I always just use the dropper the bottles come with, also im curious whos tried this stuff yet and how they like it