Attn: Crank!!!

mark mcgwire

New member
Hey brother you never gave us any details of the bachelor party from Sat. night. What happened?!?!?!?

Inquiring minds what to know!

Actually to my surprise it was a lot more fun then I thought it would be......

We went to the greenroom for dinner, then to the dance cave afterwards.

The dance cave was a dance club that played a mix of retro, alternative and pop... The good thing was it was probably 70 % women in there...... Wall to wall people....

The plan was to leave the dance cave at a decent time and go to the strippers....... we left the dance cave to go to the strippers, but didn't realize what time it was...... and when we got to strippers it was closed.... :( lol

Nothing too exciting happened, but at least I had more fun then I thought I would......

A couple things that did happen:

A drunk crackhead was trying to score something, and when we came out from dinner he was yelling at us..... A guy with us kept egging him on, but didn't find it too funny when the guy got in his face then kissed him on the cheek.... LOL! We all laughed our asses off at him......

Loch, the fiance's cousin, tried to hit on the waitress..... (The waitress looked to be chinese or korean).... Loch knew some cantonese..... but wasn't sure if she would know cantonese or not.... he was drinkin, so we told him to go for it..... LOL He told her she was beautiful in cantonese...... she looked at him in disgust, then the other waitress called him ignorant! He said why...... She said because she isn't chinese...... He said, well what is she..... She said Canadian..... He said, Yeah and I'm polish..... lol.... Then left.....
mark mcgwire said:
all in all sounds like a good night out. i would of paid money to see the look on the guys face when he got kissed!!
Yeah it was pretty funny stuff.....

I offered to take him straight over to the free clinic to get checked out.... LOL!
crankin'stein said:
Yeah it was pretty funny stuff.....

I offered to take him straight over to the free clinic to get checked out.... LOL!


you've got a story on that guy for life. if he ever starts giving you shit, you can remind him of the time he kissed the crack head!!!