Axio Test Suspension ?


Staff member
well how is it? just curious before i give it a try,lol, im afraid as hell since water based shit hurts like mother fing hell
h8tr3d is the only one I know who was interested in test suspension recently, maybe he used it.
Havnt tried it out...But I would love to get my hands on some suspension...That stuff is powerful, and will give you instant strengh gains...
it sucks clogs up easy. only got half a cc in. the only suspension that i personally used that worked was signature compounding pharmacy. but they are no more i beleive??? does anyone know what the final verdict on that case was? i wasnt around then. going to try and mix in some B-12 in it today when i used to get my stuff from a LEC they always sent me B-12 with my order and told me to mix it with the suspension. does anyone know if the b-12 does something to it?
i made some, but the powder source fucked me, so it turned out bunk:angry: Im still waiting to try it, and i might grab some of axio's
Axio suspension is the worst gear I've ever come accross. Clogs up, hurts, and and just plain doesn't work. Horrible product
yeah my buddy just tryed it yesterday and he tryed 3 different injections spots and it clogged every single time until he just gave up and didnt use it!

However i would say that all suspensions i ever used clogged up so its not just an Axio issue
you guys should give GP test susp a whirl. I got the stuff in with a 25 gauge no problems...
Yeah I used it for a week, pinning myself multiple times even resorted to a 20guage before throwing the stuff in the trash. I emailed customer service and they told me to take a picture. HA! How the hell do you take a picture? The axio dbol and nolva was just as bad. I'm sorry to say but my experience with axio has been horrible. Syntrop has proven to be pretty decent however.

Didn't know that suspension had a rep for clogging, good to know

yeah my buddy just tryed it yesterday and he tryed 3 different injections spots and it clogged every single time until he just gave up and didnt use it!

However i would say that all suspensions i ever used clogged up so its not just an Axio issue
Yeah I used it for a week, pinning myself multiple times even resorted to a 20guage before throwing the stuff in the trash. I emailed customer service and they told me to take a picture. HA! How the hell do you take a picture? The axio dbol and nolva was just as bad. I'm sorry to say but my experience with axio has been horrible. Syntrop has proven to be pretty decent however.

Didn't know that suspension had a rep for clogging, good to know

yep and a muchhigher rate of infections being bacteria is more prone to grow in water based gear, just found that part out myself, but makes sense since i was hospitalized once after using water bases shit,lol

also sorry to hear about ur experience with Axio dbol and nolva bro, all in all i have had very good service as well as results from Axio, was it a while ago before Axio revamped all its gear
Yeah that does make sense i never thought about that.

My experience with Axio started when they first came out with the suspension earlier this year I think sometime around March/April.
I have heard mixed reviews on this. Some say it hurts and some it doesnt bother at all. Guys im gonna give the lab an email and get them working on this. We gotta make this better.
I have heard mixed reviews on this. Some say it hurts and some it doesnt bother at all. Guys im gonna give the lab an email and get them working on this. We gotta make this better.

Thanks for your support, it's really nice the reps recognize quality issues. If it will help, I can pm you the batch info.