bad shot story


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
we all love these, all long as you aint the one writing it :satan:

so, I was doing my winstrol shot and have gotten decent at them over the past few weeks. I go to put 3/4 cc in my bicep and blood. I inject and it start burning. Now, this stuff usually burns but not much, like IGF. But this burning was BAD. I was like WTF?!

I aspirate again and nothing, try again and BURN! WTF! well, I pull the pin out, say fuck it after like 10ius maybe, and then I see it. The other side of the syringe, where I couldnt see it for some reason, but pooling up with blood (from the aspirating).

morale of the story, even with aspirating you gotta be careful. It it had been oil, Im sure I would have just choked for 5 minutes so it could have been worse.

and yes, my arm is now killing me but I think I'll live :thumbsup:
Damn that sucks! So what you are saying if you were to inject say Test Cyp into your vien it wouldn't take much to kill you right? I always aspirate no matter what! Thanks for the heads up bro! On my past cycle I was using Test E and EQ. 1cc of each per syringe. Well I went to inject it into my delt and I tell you what it made me delt hurt like hell! I thought I would do this because I ran a cycle of 1cc Test Prop and 1cc of Steril Grapeseed Oil and had no problems in my delts with the inject. Boy was I wrong on this about Test E and EQ! Needless to say I didn't do that again!
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You know, I've had that burning before without getting anything after aspirating. It feels like the site is on fire, but I grit my teeth and push through it. I don't think anything was getting into my veins because I didn't cough. It only burned going in. What do you think that was, 'cause I'm still scratching my head on that one.
saudades said:
You know, I've had that burning before without getting anything after aspirating. It feels like the site is on fire, but I grit my teeth and push through it. I don't think anything was getting into my veins because I didn't cough. It only burned going in. What do you think that was, 'cause I'm still scratching my head on that one.
what were you injecting?

water based compounds will obviously have a different effect than oil based.

update: the arm is still sore (but less) and swollen. not too red but swollen enough to where you cant tell when I flex it.