side effects are an issue


New member
I’m dealing with some horrible side effects using products.
I’m doing testosterone, equipoise, and Primo on this cycle and I’m running around 300 milligrams of each per week so just shy of a 1000 milligrams total.
Dealing with a lot of shutdown side effects, no libido, strength has been flat to down and I’m not seeing much results in the mirror
I’m dealing with some horrible side effects using products.
I’m doing testosterone, equipoise, and Primo on this cycle and I’m running around 300 milligrams of each per week so just shy of a 1000 milligrams total.
Dealing with a lot of shutdown side effects, no libido, strength has been flat to down and I’m not seeing much results in the mirror is 100% known to sell fake pharmacom labs so no question they suck
I’m dealing with some horrible side effects using products.
I’m doing testosterone, equipoise, and Primo on this cycle and I’m running around 300 milligrams of each per week so just shy of a 1000 milligrams total.
Dealing with a lot of shutdown side effects, no libido, strength has been flat to down and I’m not seeing much results in the mirror
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