Beyond Driven Radio, Episode 08


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Beyond Driven Bodybuilding Radio: 8 Evan Centopani. Evan joins host David Johnston to discuss what the hell is going on with modern-day culture in the 21st century – the political landscape and effects of egalitarian culture; the value system of an Insta-famous society...

Beyond Driven Bodybuilding Radio: 8 Evan Centopani. Evan joins host David Johnston to discuss what the hell is going on with modern-day culture in the 21st century – the political landscape and effects of egalitarian culture; the value system of an Insta-famous society; the destruction of traditional masculinity, and the impact that is having; and the focus on title-worship, rather than fact-worship. Can bodybuilding survive and flourish under those circumstances? Evan gives his analysis – only, on Beyond Driven Radio.

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