bicep size


New member
What do you guys feel is a good exercise to put size on bi's??
In the past I have used high volume for tri's and it worked but biceps
have always been hard for me. What has worked for you guys. I am
currantly doing DC and happy with it but my bi's are stuborn.
I'm the opposite from you. My tri's are stubborn and my biceps are large. I've always gone with barbell and ez-curl bar curls, and I'll keep trying to increase weight and/or reps. Other exercises that hit biceps well are any type of pulling exercises such as rows. Narrow grip chins are excellent for packing on size to the biceps as well. You could also use some syntherol to help out.
Ahh, I see. Well, when I do direct bicep work these days, I will do it DC style of course and do a warm-up set of 10-15 reps with a moderate weight, and then I go heavy as I can to do 10-12 reps. That may be like 80 lbs x 15 and then 110 x 10 for example. Same with any of the other exercises. Before that when I did more volume, I would do a warm-up set, and then two sets of 8-10 with 85%-95% of my maximum weight. I would keep doing this each time curls came up until I could do 10 comfortably upon which I'd increase the weight the next time and repeat the process.

The only other exercise I used besides curling was inclined dumbells or preacher bench because of the excellent stretch you get at the bottom of the motion.
strait bar curls
alternate dumbell curls
incline preacher dumbell curls
hammer dumbell

just smash them hard everytime
normalsucks said:
I've got 19 3/4... -they're small.

22s... now we're talking.
are you bragging again??? lol.
He's asking for suggestions on how to get his bigger, he didn't want to hear how big yours are!

I stick to the simple movements but I started noticing the biggest difference once starting DC, i think the timing and doing arms with legs and keeping back and chest together is the right balance for me in terms of not overtraining them etc,.
Mike your exactly right you have to do what works for you
if you feel DC works for you then go with it
everyone is different
um... i misread what he said. Brain fart. only got 2 hours sleep lastnight.... damn!
bro...u need to sleep. What about reverse grip curls??? I don't know if they add a lot of size, but that's all I can do for now due to a writs I am hoping they do.
I have to say when I trained my arms once a week they grew the best and fastest. I did 3 excercises with 3 warm-up sets and 2 heavy sets for each excercise.

Reverse barbell curls
hammer curls
laying cable curls (On a decline bench)

On your final excercise and final set do a triple drop set shooting for a total of 50 reps on that final set
mine well were growing before my plagueing shoulder started fucking up again. I was running 3 sets for bi's and 3 for tri's. I would load up the ezcurl as heavy as i could go after a good warmup and stretching of course. I then would go inside grip for 3 sets to failure. Outside for 3 sets to failure. Then i would do preacher curl burnouts just with dumbells. To failure using my other hand as a spot if need be. The inside and outside grips will work both biceps muscle's even though im missing one lol. then preachers are good to get that extra big of blood in those muscles. I love this workout cant wait to hit it again.
I like the preacher curls except I do them in a special way. First, I usually reverse the pad so that my bi's hang verticle. I feel I get a better set that with my bi's at a 45 degree angle. Next, I alternate my grip frequently. I am a firm believer that only using a standard grip will limit your growth. Recently I have added side curls after reading a few articles; when I do hammers I will raise the barbell parallel to my chest. I feel this gives me new stimuli.
That's a good point, Glen. I do that, too, alternating from a narrow grip to a wide one, excellent for growth.
Change always seems to spark growth in me. I'd do heavy weight very low volume for awhile and make awesome gains, it's my favorite way of working out. If I stop making gains, I'll switch up to lower weight, higher reps, less rest between sets, and more sets. Suddenly I'm making gains with methods I knocked before.
GetSwole, that sounds good - three sets close grip, three wide and burn out on
preacher. Think I'll try that inbetween my DC
yeah man i love them just go heavy and balls to the wall bro you will get a pump from hell. I like it cause you can feel each of your bicep's working on the exercises and you can tell its really working. Keep your back as straight as you can. Let me know how you like it.
does anyone do 21's anymore? I used to do them years ago... you do 7 reps with a limited range of motion only coming 1/2 of the way up and then 7 reps from the middle to the top and then 7 full reps.