blood in my stool!!!


New member
sup guys i had started an anvar only cycle to help keep some strength while i am dieting and some nolvadex to help lean out by lowering my estrogen...anyways i went to the bathroom and i had blood in my stools.....i have never heard of this happening???? any body know bout this happening....i know anavar suppose to have very little side effects....taking only 20mg a day...and 20mg of nolvadex........the only other thing i can think of is maybe something i ate.....and i started taking hydroxycut hardcore which are a very dark red looking i dont know if its that....anyways any help is appreciated
it is the hydroxycut hardcore it is the dye that they use. i called them up and asked about and they sent me a free bottle a hat and a tshirt, they also said that they are developing one without the dye and they would send that out too me as soon as it was available. i thought it was some scary sh*t when my poop was red, but it is just the dye
man i hope its the freakin dye in hydroxycut, and hell yea its some scary shit....kinda feel better now that its happened to someone else....but yeah i'm gonna call them up and see if they cant give me a free shirt....but they really need to put a big warning label on the bottle that says CAUTION WILL TURN SHIT RED!!!
I noticed the same thing the other day and it freaked me out also and I had just started taking the Hydroxycut Hardcore.
yeah thats kinda scary lol how have you guys like the product work good?
tonykemp said:
What in the world do they need dye in it for? How dumb.

that's what I'm trying to figure out, I guess the caps are red and it's just a marketing thing to make them seem "hot."
i think you should still be able to tell the difference weather its dye or actual blood in your stool.
ya... I've never pooped blood, but im sure its separate- if it where a real problem, you'd have a lot of blood floating around a bloody turd.

I got sick a couple months ago. It was at the end of my cycle, so I had pretty high blood pressure. Anyway, I started to puke. After the third time, I noticed blood in the toilet. So I flushed it, and puked again- this time all blood.... I mean, a whole f-ing mouth full of blood... Now that scared the living shit out of me.
yeah i never pooped blood before so, thats the first thing that came to my mind....then i was like okay what have i been taking???? then i was maybe hydroxycut since the pills are red, it cant be the juice, i never herd of that yeah when i first posted i stopped taking it that day and when i went to the bathroom the next morning it was i started the hydroxycut again that day and later that night i pooped red shit the stuff seems to work pretty good, i have always used the fatburners for added energy more than actually burning yeah it gives u good far as a fatburner only diet and cardio with good stack will do the trick...i think once ephedra was taken out of the formulas, fat burners arent that good....except for the added energy from caffine
if its blood coming from ur stomach, its not gonna be red, its gonna look like old dried up blood and be a darker color. If its fresh blood then u might have hemmoroids. get checked if u think its necessary
Well, I didnt want to go to the doctor ofcourse. But no- it was fresh blood...

I figured it was part of the flu, so I waited to see if it happend again. I dropped the 40mgs of d-bol just as a precaution. But it never returned. I stopped my cycle 4 weeks later.