Body Part of the Week: Calves

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Since we now have a topic of the week, why not have a body part of the week too? Each week, let's explore one body part completely, and this week we'll start with calves!


1. Medial Head
2. Lateral Head


  • gastrocnemiuslateral.gif
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* Soleus


  • soleuslateral.gif
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And of course, the opposite muscle:

Tibialis Anterior


* Tibialis Anterior


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Ok, post any articles, tips for growth, excercises, spot injection tips, workout routinets, etc!
In the last 6 months or so I have put about 2 inches onto my calves by eatin big and doing the HEAVIEST weight I can with low reps... lots of sets... basically how I do everything.

But, I don't have that nice split or a great shape to my calves.

I have notcied everyone else in my gym (Gold's) seems to do very light weight and tons and tons or reps. Even the huge guys do this.

Is there any reason to train your calves differently than the rest of your body

(off topic, but it seems a lot of people do this on biceps as well)

Just curious what other people think...


P.s. - I like the idea, Al...
Want Big, Diamond Shaped Calves? Take This Calf Challenge! by Diane Fields

Men, boys, winners, losers; what creates the vast delta that separates the two categories? In bodybuilding the separation between winners and losers is often found in the neglected area of calf development. Mike Mentzer, Tom Platz and Arnold Schwarzenegger distinguished themselves as elite bodybuilders by developing symmetry in their legs with diamond shaped calves.

Many argue that genetics hold them back from developing enviable calves. Do not use genetics as an excuse to neglect this important area of overall development. Problems with poor calf development goes far beyond genetics. Lack of diamond shaped calves can be attributed to overtraining, improper form, treating calves as an afterthought in the overall training program, too little weight, too many reps and lack of mental intensity.

So, what's the calf challenge? Rather than focus on your lack of muscle below the knee, your biggest challenge should be how to get the machines to hold enough weight to keep up with your bulging, wide, diamond-shaped muscles.

Overtraining of calf muscles is an easy trap, one that catches even the most seasoned of bodybuilders. How many times have you heard this phrase? "Calf muscles are endurance muscles." By falling victim to the notion that endurance muscles need extra work, many then go and overwork this muscle group. Calf muscles like all other muscle groups need adequate recovery times. Work this muscle group, overload it to stimulate growth and then let it recover. Once per week in an intensive program, with acute mental focus, is all that is needed to build competitive level calves.

Improper form will not only create an environment where calves will not develop properly, it is also dangerous. Both experienced and inexperienced lifters will often perform calf exercises too quickly while also limiting the range of motion. This translates into lack of potential development. How often do you look over to the calf section of the gym and see bouncing? As you lower you heel towards the floor, there is a great deal of force placed on the Achilles tendon. It is critical that bouncing be avoided and control executed on the negative portion of the lift to avoid potential injury to the Achilles tendon.

Many experienced weightlifters will never reach their true potential in the area of calf development because they simply do not use enough weight. Mental toughness, focus, intensity and desire are needed to overload the weight to the necessary degree for awesome development. It's easy to step up to a standing calf machine and move a pin in the stack, but taking it to the next level requires getting through the stack. And what degree of toughness is required to climb to the top of the machine to stack extra plates on top? Do you have that level of mental toughness? If you want those developed wide calf muscles, you're going to need that level of intensity.

Now, back to our challenge. How to stack enough weight on the machine? Piling those 45 pounders one on top of the other makes it nearly impossible to grip the plates, so be sure to stack 25 pound plates in-between the larger plates. Once you've maxed out the top pin for additional poundage using the 45s, it's time to move on to one-legged calf raises.

Developing bulging calves, requires the careful development of a training program that gives priority to this often neglected muscle group. Separate calves from quads and hamstrings on training days so they are no longer an afterthought. Be mentally prepared to challenge yourself to a new level of intensity and focus when training calves. This preparation assumes a high quality diet, adequate amounts of sleep and a week of recovery time between training sessions of this muscle group.

Begin a calf training session with four warm-up sets consisting of increasing weight levels and decreasing reps. In other words, your fourth warm-up set should consist of two or three reps that are viewed as weight acclimation reps rather than fatiguing in nature.

Be sure to work both the gastrocnemius (straight legged exercises) and the soleus (seated calf exercises), muscles in each training session. While much has been written regarding the direction of the toes when performing calf exercises, keep your toes facing straight ahead in order to achieve maximum overload. Always use a full range of motion with the heaviest weight you can handle. But, never sacrifice range of motion for a heavier load. Be sure to squeeze at the top of the contraction and fully extend and stretch at the bottom.

Due to the high intensity of this training protocol it is imperative to stretch between each set. Standing 2 ½ to 3 feet from a wall, keep your legs straight, heels on the ground and lean into the wall. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then repeat standing further away from the wall. With each stretch, step further away from the wall while maintaining your heels on the ground.

Sample training programs:

Program A:
Standing Calf Raises 3 x 12-15, (following 4 warm-up sets)
Donkey Calf Raises 3 x 12-15
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 12-15

Program B:
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 8-12, (following 4 warm-up sets)
Calf Presses 3 x 8-12
Donkey Calf Raises 3 x 8-12

Program C:
Calf Presses 3 x 6-8 (following 4 warm-up sets)
Standing Calf Raises 3 x 6-8
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 6-8

Programs A, B and C should be rotated using one program each week. By varying the number of reps, periodization training is built into this calf training program. All sets are expected to be completed using a full range of motion, avoiding a bounce, control of the negative portion of the lift, and a squeeze at the top. All worksets require the mental intensity to be taken to failure to complete the planned rep range. Keep meticulous training journal notes and make weekly adjustments accordingly.

Diane Fields is an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and in the process of completing a certification in Performance Nutrition. At 5 feet tall and 120 pounds, Ms. Fields is currently lifting 815 lbs on the standing calf machine, and is training to reach a goal of 1000 pounds by year end.

In addition to personal training, Ms. Fields is a weight loss consultant and member of Legendary Fitness, LLC, a health and fitness company geared towards the special exercise and nutritional needs of babyboomers. You may contact Ms. Fields via email at [email protected]. Coming soon offering online cardiovascular, training, nutrition and supplementation programs, products and support.

Additional articles written by Ms. Fields may be viewed at the following websites,, and
Calves the Neglected Body Part
by Todd Blue

Many people blame their lack of calf development on genetics when they should be putting the blame on themselves. Calves are probably the most neglected body part on weight lifters. Some times it's not that people don't train them at all it's they don't train them with enough weight, they don't train them with enough frequency and some just don't know how to train them. Well, in this article we will cover the dos and don'ts and go over a wide variety of exercises and rep ranges on how to train them and get the most out of each workout.

Before we begin we need to get down the proper form for training calves. Form means everything in training calves more than any other body part. In order to achieve proper form you just go all the way up on your toes as high as possible and go all the way down as far as you can. I have seen so many people doing less than a ¼ rep and complain why their calves won't grow. It's a must that proper form be used for each and every rep when training them.

Now that we have our form down let's talk about the amount of weight that needs to be used. Arnold, who by the way has great calves, says that you should use a weight that is about 2 times your bodyweight. I see all too often people using a weight that is half of what they weigh. Think about it like this, the reason calves are so hard to get growing is this, you walk and some time run on them every day so they are a very tough muscle group to start with. So in order to get them to grow you must force them into growth with a good heavy weight. But remember the above paragraph about form. Go as heavy as you can and still use proper form.

When training calves heavy a lot of people assume that it means they can cut back on the amount of reps they do. Calves for the most part respond well to high reps, although I do know one guy who does about 6-8 reps and his calves are perfect but that falls under the "great genetics" category. I recommend people use 15-20 reps when training calves and if you want a really killer do a 100-rep set. I never drop below 12 reps even when training them with the heaviest weight. If you can push yourself through the pain barrier and do 5 sets of 15-20 reps with a good heavy weight then your calves will start turning into cows.

Something that some people don't know or they don't realize the importance of is foot position. There are three different positions: toes pointed forward, pointed out and pointed in. Each position really hits a different head of the muscle and allows you to create a really well developed calf.

Toes pointed forward - this hits pretty much the entire calf muscle.
Toes pointed out - this really nails the inner part of the muscle, which gives the calves a wide look.
Toes pointed in - this one gets the outer part of the calf.

Stretching is another key to good calf development. Stretch before training them for 2-3 min, stretch after each set and when you're finished training them. Stretching is important for each body part but calves are a body part that a lot of people seem to neglect.

Now that we have discussed the proper form, weight ranges, rep ranges and different feet positions let's talk about the many different movements that can really blast our calves into some great growth.

Standing Calf Raises - nothing adds mass to the calve like good heavy standing calf raises. But as good as it is if proper form is not used then they are basically useless. Perform them using proper form and a good rep range. On these I like to go as heavy as 350-400lbs for 10-15 reps. Just remember to go all the way up and all the way down for each rep.

Donkey Raises - not many gyms that I have been in have these anymore but if your so lucky to have one in yours then use it. This one is almost as good as standing raises for adding mass. When I have access to one I perform them in the same manor as standing raises.

Seated Calf Raises - this movement is the best shaper of any calf movement. This gives the calves that wide look. It is not a great mass builder but it blasts both outer and inner head of the calves like no other. I like to do these with around 200-250lbs for 10-15 reps. If you want to really make them burn then drop the weight and blast out 25-30 reps.

One leg calf raises - I really never see anyone perform this movement. I really like this movement because it allows me to be more controlled and really focus on each leg one at the time. It's performed by holding a dumbbell in your right arm, standing on your right leg and performs a calf raise (just the opposite for the left side). By doing them slow and controlled the burn is great and it has added so much hardness to my calves. I like to do them with a 50-60lb dumbbell for 15-20 reps.

Calf raises on the leg press - I love to do this one as a burn out. Now on these I use the proper form (of course) and rep out at 25-30 reps. I have really never count the amount of weight I use for these. This is a good finishing exercise.

Standing raises with no weight - To me this is the best finishing movement you can do. After blasting my calves to the point where I can barely walk. I will do 3 sets of 20 reps and do them so slow and go as high up on my toes as I can and then stretch at the bottom as low as I can. This forces so much blood into the muscle you won't believe the pump you will get. To me this is a must exercise.

Here are a few sample workouts that I highly recommend trying, unless you're scared to grow!

Work out #1

Standing Calf Raises - 5 sets: 10-15 reps
Seated Raises - 5 sets: 15-20 reps
One Leg Raises - 3 sets: 20 reps
Standing Raises with no weight - 3 sets: 20 reps

Work out #2 - the 100 reps set

Perform 3 sets of the following:
Donkey Raises - 50 reps
Seated Raises - 50 reps

Well I hope that this article will be insightful to some of you. Just remember that your calves are just like any other body part. You must train them with just as much intensity and focus as you would your biceps or chest. Don't neglect them what so ever. Calf muscles do grow at a slower rate on most people so just be patient. Now get out there and blast them into new growth.

Recommend this article to a friend by e-mail by clicking here! Good Luck
God Bless

Todd Blue
Large by Choice
Take a look at the pictures above, and note that there are two main muscles that make up the calves, the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus. The Gastrocnemius is active when the knees are in a straight position (like standing calf raises), while the Soleus is active when the knees are bent (slight bend like a sled, or 90 degree bend like a seated calf raise). In the seated calf raises (90 degree bend), the Gastrocnemius is almost completely inactive, while the Soleus bears almost all of the weight.
One common thing that I see a lot of people do is to bounce the weight at the bottom (full extension) of their calf exercises. The tendons in the calves are highly elastic, and by going quickly, or bouncing, during the full extension portion of the exercise, you are using this elasticity to lift the weight for you! Remember to do slow and controlled, full extensions on calf exercises, even if it means you need to (temporarily, most likely) do a lighter weight!
Effective Calves Program

By Bill Dobbins

1. Calf exercises should be done in non-athletic shoes, because you don't want the help of the "springs" built into modern athletic shoes. Slippers, socks, bare feet okay.
2. Standing calf raises work the outer head, the gastrocnemius. This muscle attaches above the knee so the knee must remain absolutely locked in order to get the maximum stretch possible of this muscle.
3. Standing calf raises are effective, but donkey raises are the best. They should be executed so you can feel your hamstring stretched as much as possible throughout the movement. Again, this creates the maximum extension of the gastrocnemius muscle.
4. An effort should be made to go up onto the big toe rather than slightly to the side onto the other toes. This allows for maxium "peak contraction" of the calf muscle. The higher you can go onto the toe, the more complete the contraction.
5. All lower body muscles respond to higher reps than do the muscles of the upper body. So the ideal range for training calves is about 16 to 20 reps to failure.
6. Since it is impossible to go all the way up "on point" like a ballerina when lifting against resistance, try holding onto something and lifting yourself right up on top of your big toes between sets and holding this position for a few seconds. This allows for the most complete contraction of the muscles involved.
7. Doing seated calf raises for the soleus muscle your knees are obviously bent, but the other principles apply to this exercise as well as to standing or donkey calf raises.
My calfs are looking good right now. I work them once a week, for about 3 sets, till they burn. I also work the front muscle of the shin.

I noticed that when i do alot of jumping durning basketball, it pulls them out, and brings the line out.
I saw really good results when I started working my Tibialis Anterior (front part of the shins). I had read the theory of needing to work the opposite muscle for balance when you hit a sticking point (like getting your biceps to grow past a sticking point by hitting triceps hard). Seemed to work well for me!
Donkey Calf Raise:



Place toes and balls of feet on calf block with arches and heels extending off. With arms on supports, bend over at hips with torso parallel to floor. Straighten knees. Allow training partner to mount hips or lower back from bench.


Raise heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Lower heels by bending ankles until calves are stretched. Repeat.


Keep knees straight throughout exercise or bend knees slightly only during stretch. Quadriceps serve as a Synergists muscle if knees are bent slightly during stretch. The exercise becomes increasingly difficult with training partner toward hips sitting upright. Also, training partner may hold additional weight in arms.

for a video of it!
I love my calves and my trunks too. That would be quads for those who don't know what that is.
Good thread!

I've got pretty big calfs, with a diamond shape to them, the only exercise for them I do is standing calf raises, holding the bar at waist level, I use pretty heavy weight, and do between 20-40 reps per set for 3 sets. This also really seems to help my grip strength for other excersises.