Check out Dennis James offseason

Hey knothead this is not the overall desired look for a bb'er but is necessary to get that big. BB'ers only lean out for a short time for competition. They rarely look like those in the magazines year round. So to a knowledgable bb'er he looks great and everyone respects and admires what he has done because he has the POTENTIAL through dieting to look like we all want to look like. Nobody can just get huge and shredded. A certain amount of bulking and fat gain even unintentional is necessary to maintain that much muscle mass even w/ unbelievably high levels of hormonal supplementation.
I didnt post to start a flame game, but I dont think this is what bb is all about. See who can stick the most dope in them to get the most bloated! With all that water on him how do you think his heart is doing? Kidneys? I dont want my son thinking this is the BB lifestyle because its not! I have been around BB for over twenty years, when it took the direction of who can wire up the most gear without dieing from the sides, I think it went in the wrong direction. The dedication to living a clean life, eating right, and building a great body by working hard in the gym is what BB is really about. If people want to do gear to enhance their bodies thats their choice, but when you take it to the extreme like these guys are doing its just stupid.
6 weeks out

Here is a of pic that he is a little trimmer...


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didn't mean to flame you knothead... you have a good point; there is more than one philosophy when it comes to bb'ing and I mistook your post for one from someone ignorant on the subject of competition bb'ing, my bad, no disrespect bro.
all the pros say the same thing about DJ.....he's looking phenomenal a month out and then he diets waaaay too much at the last minute and comes in flat
DAM that guy is MASSIVE
i'am not even sure i want to be that big lol looks like someone accdentially blended chemE and Mid :)P)