Chris250 log to Jr.Nats or North Americans !!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well here is my log to either the Jr.Nationals or North Americans. There is a pretty big difference in time, only 22 weeks to Jr.Nationals, and 34 weeks to North Americans. The reason im undecided is because of money situation. Jr.Nationals is in my back yard (sorta) only a 4 hour trip by car to Chicago. North Americans is a solid 11 hours in a car to Pittsburgh. Means more time on the road, more money, ect, ect. So im kinda up in the air with this. But im going to train my ass off for the next 10 weeks, then decide what is best for me. As of right now im around 260lbs, last week I got sick (stomach virus) didnt lose weight, but made me hold some serious water weight. I looked pretty bloated, and just looked !!! But, after eating right for a couple days, now im looking better again, and by the weekend or next week, I should look decent again. Diet right now is high protein, high carbs and moderate fats. Its actually a pretty clean bulking diet, with only a cheat meal once per week. In december, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted and got fat. But, now im back to eating clean again, just more food overall. Going to get in a few sessions of cardio each week to keep bodyfat down, and im training back in my old gym. It's a huge ass gym with tons of weights, and hammer strengh. Today alone I had the best quad workout in a long ass time. I went in before work (at 5am) and kicked ass. What's crazy is the gym at 5am was rockin, the radio was blasting, there was about 15 people in there (serious people training, no B.S. soccer moms or buisness guys) training there ass off, and hitting it hard. It made me more fired up to put on a show, and pile on the weights on to the hack machine, leg press, and super squat machines. Anyway here are the basics with training and diet...

meal 1 (4am) - 5 whole eggs, 1 cup white rice

workout (5am) - during workout
gatorade/bcaa/creatine, N.O mixture

meal 2 (7am) - post workout meal
50 grams hydro whey isolate
80-100 grams carbs of carb powder (fast acting)

meal 3 (930am) - 50 grams Rx Whey Pro Blend (isolate,egg,casien)
30 grams oatmeal
1tbsp natural penut butter

meal 4 (1130am) - 8oz. Chicken or Turkey breast
1 cup white rice
1/3 cup cashews or almonds

meal 5 (2pm) - same as meal 3 (pro blend shake with oats)

meal 6 (5-6pm) - 8oz. steak or ground beef
1 cup white rice
green veges or green salad

meal 7 (9pm) - same as meal 3 and 5

Note - I actully hate doing this many shakes, but with work schedule right now, I have to do it this way...Meal 5 (at work) could be a meal like meal #4, if Im not to busy at work, but if I am then its a shake meal.

training schedule as of now

mondays - off (just light cardio in a.m.) ab work
tuesdays - quads (am)
wends - delts and triceps (pm)
thurs - hams and calfs (am)
friday - off (just light cardio in a.m.) ab work
saturday - chest and biceps (pm)
sunday - back and traps (am)

for now this is the plan but it could change. I would like to do quads and hams in one workout on tuesday mornings. Then do an extra back workout thurs morning. But, until I get use to getting up early, I will split up quads and hams to have enough time in the morning before work to do all the sets, and reps I need to do legs right.

super supplements - now if I was using super supplements (but im not ofcourse) I would do something like this ....for the first 10 weeks...

test (cyp/enth) 1250mg wk - on workout days TNE/dbol mixutre (total test adds up to 1600-1700mg)
Eq 900mg wk
dbol 60mg ED
slin (humalog, and humalin R)
hgh 4 iu's (5 on 2 off)
Adex .5mg 3 x wk

Like I said above, things could change. I need to talk to my trainer and see what he thinks. I know he would perfer to do North Americans, but I worried about coming up with the money for travel and expenses. I know how much Jr.Nationals cost with hotel, entry's and travel (been to show many times, and done it twice) So its now suprise to my wallet. I'll just train for the next 10 weeks, like Im doing Jr.Nationals then see where im at body wise, then make a choice...

here are pics from a few weeks ago, at 250-255lbs (I think) im a tad softer now, from being sick, but Im going to get back to this hardness and continue to grow....
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good luck, and glad you got to a great gym. I know gyms like that sure help when you dont feel up to it, then you walk in and feed off everybody elses energy.
good luck, and glad you got to a great gym. I know gyms like that sure help when you dont feel up to it, then you walk in and feed off everybody elses energy.

Yeah, its a great really get up for it...its kinda messy, weights arent always put away, but man there is just tons and tons of plates all over the place...DB up to over 250lbs now...Its a crazy looking d.b. I'll have to get a picture ...ham/glute machine, is there...its all there...anything and everything...:bench:
Had two great workouts this week at the gym. Did quads and hams tuesday morning. Delts and triceps today this afternoon. Both workouts, I got sick pumps. Im stronger this week vs. last week. reps or weight was up on everything. So this week is going good...
Had two great workouts this week at the gym. Did quads and hams tuesday morning. Delts and triceps today this afternoon. Both workouts, I got sick pumps. Im stronger this week vs. last week. reps or weight was up on everything. So this week is going good...

thats great, the rest did u some good then, or im assuming you had some rest while u were sick right?

Also can u post a pic of those 250lb dumbells,lol
thats great, the rest did u some good then, or im assuming you had some rest while u were sick right?

Also can u post a pic of those 250lb dumbells,lol

sure I will take a pic this weekend...
Well this week, went great so far. I got my weekend workouts, but if they go like how legs and delts did, then im in for some good ones. Diet was on point this week, no ice cream, or junk at all. Done a little bit of cardio, im going to lean up some, then decide what I want to do in about 8 weeks.

leg workout from tuesday -

Super Squat plate loaded machine - 180 x 15, 270 x 15, 360 x 15 working sets - 540 x 15, 630 x 12
90 degree leg press - 180 x 15 working sets - 270 x 12, 360 x 12, 450 x 10
Leg Extensions (cybex) - 90 x 15, 115 x 15, 135 x 15

Lying leg curls (cybex) - 75 x 15, 90 x 15, 115 x 12
D.B stiff leg deads - 40 x 10 x 10 x 10
Ham/Glute raises - BW x 10 x 10 x 10
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Another great workout today ...did chest and biceps...

hammer incline press - 90x15, 180x12, 270x10 working sets - 410 x 6, 360 x 8
smythe neck presses - 90 x 15 - working set - 180 x 15 / to failure
d.b. flat flys - 40 x 10 - working set - 75 x 12 / to failure

cable seated incline curls (one arm alternate) - 40 x 10, 32 x 10 plus 5 / forced reps
d.b. hammer curls - 70 x 10 / failure

that was pretty much it. It was a fast intense hit type of workout. As I've gotten older, ive notice that I cant do as many sets and recover like I use to. But, every set I do (working sets) I got to failure and past if needed. My pumps have been killer with MC IGF pre workout.
Great to see you've gotten to a gym that suits you better. It's crazy to think how much atmosphere affects the way people train.
Had a killer back workout today...

Front lat pulldowns - 250 x 10, 275 x 8
Hammer DY Rows - 180 x 12 x 8 (last set was super slow reps, with a static hold on the positive of each rep)
Hammer Pullovers - 180 x 15
Smyth Rack deadlifts - 180 x 15, 270 x 15 (again slow reps)
Hammer shrugs - 270 x 20

note - only put down last sets or all out sets...did 2-3 warm up on each movement.

Started some snythol in my bis and triceps, to get a fuller rounder look to them. I noticed already after just a couple days, my biceps are rounder, and have more fullness. Probably do the same type of protocol that Big A does on his site.
Also, to note. Im going to try to do quads and hams all in one workout. Then calfs on delt and tricep day. Just trying out a different routine to see how I feel on my recovery.
Hahaha, lucky guy. Big training day today?

well kinda...going to do an extra arm workout today...I would like to get my arms up over 20 inches that is a goal I want for this year...