Christmas Lottery.....grow grow grow, i mean ho ho ho

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nice looking forward to see who wins awesome deal going on here presser appreciate the opportunity.
The winning #'s were 8-7-4

No one got all three numbers.

1. all 3 digits in perfect sequence
2. all 3 digits in any sequence
3. who evers number comes out closest over or under.(If no one hit from either 1 or 2)
4. In the event the number is say 124 and two members have 123 and 125 the person who didnt go over wins.

So you see every week there will be a winner due to number (3)

mikeswift had 8-7-0
WooHoo!!!! Sweet deal, I love this place more and more...
I'd like to thank all of the sponsors for holdding these lotteries and for all you bro's for all the information, advice and support over the years.

Damn I guess I spoke too soon!!!
Congrats Little Big Man
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lol, u guys are too funny, mike got a little x-mas price break anyhow,lol, sorry i was out last night, i will mail the winner or they casn pm one of us their addy
little big guy, PM presser with your info so he can send the goodies out. CONGRATULATIONS BRO!!! Locking up shop.
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