could steroids be legalized? your opinion

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give me your opinion/reasoning why or why not they could or could not be legalized. also, if you say they could be give an example of how they could/would be regulated and by who.

here's my opinion:
i think AAS could be legalized, or at least decriminalized after a certain age. regardless people of any age will use aas if they want to or not. i just googled "steroids" and got 4,750,000 hits. obviously these are not all sources/sca**ers but they are available to anyone who wants them. why not make it legal to use after the age of 25. by 25 i think most people are old enough and mature enough to make rational decisions, and are also able to understand that decisions made now affect them in the future. obviously this would not stop people younger than 25 from using aas, but they have NO problem getting it now so why not make it legal for older people who know what they are doing. also, if it were regulated by doctors people could be relatively safe and open about it. if a doctor prescribed them thier cycle, they could have blood work done pre, mid and post cycle. and if they didn't come in for thier blood work something along the lines of a warrant could be issued so that next time they were pulled over it showed, and they would be fined. i'm not sure where i stand when it comes to women and using though. ultimately it is thier body, and i use that agruement all the time. but it just doesn't seem right to me. maybe only lighter stuff like var, winny...but then again if she wanted to use other things like test it's her body and her choice. she could get it anywhere as well, why not be as safe as possible with it for women too? what do you guys think? how would it affect sports? what about criminals using? how would it affect UG labs? think of different scenarios.
I have a lot to say on this subject, so I'll compose my thoughts and post them, but for starters, I believe that steroids can and should be legalized.
I think that EVERYTHING should be legal. Even Heroine. Hey, it's your body, your choices.

However, there is a good side to gear being illegal.

Not everyone has access to it and is on it so it just makes us look bigger/better.

If gear was legal, everyone would be all juiced up.

Think of all the guys on creatine and N02..... Everyone would be juicn'
Zylo said:
I think that EVERYTHING should be legal. Even Heroine. Hey, it's your body, your choices.

However, there is a good side to gear being illegal.

Not everyone has access to it and is on it so it just makes us look bigger/better.

If gear was legal, everyone would be all juiced up.

Think of all the guys on creatine and N02..... Everyone would be juicn'
THats what i think, legalize all drugs big drop in crime rate....can u say duuuuuh.
yeah we could even have companies that sell them to other countriesand get us out of

have a permit to sell them and to no oneunder 18soto speak if you do crime penalty is min one year in jail no exceptions.

as for steroids i remember when they were legal and i didnt use them now that they are illegal and nobody else does then i do, your right makes me look better and

its a govt thing we need to show proof and why for good cause, but everyone has made them get a bad image, i see more die a year from alcohol and tobacco than steroids and the most deadly drugs are completely legal.
if marlboro made weed joints like 10 to a box like cigarettes than the corporations would get a say so to the govt and we could legally buyand sell them like they do.

yeah make drugs legal and way stiffer penalties like being high anddriving, no loss of licensefor a few months make it forever and min one year to 5 in jail no exceptions if found guilty. etc
If they were legal and regulated then we would be getting better quality shit. Could you imaging what kind of blends there would be? Just think if they made Orange Juice illegal what would happen. People would be smugglin oranges into the country by the boat load and watering the shit down to sell it. LOL!
I don't even know where to start...

I don't think they should be legal. Do you know how many 12 yo little-leaguers would be juicin? Don't give me an age limit, my older friends baught me booze when I was 15 and 16.
I agree with JW, there is got to be a limit, it would be a dangerous enough to see some uneducated youngster trying to use juice, Legalizing it will only create more problem right now,...I don't know how to go about it,....just my two cents
Good Question

obviously were all juice freaks here and of course we will say that it should be legal,lol.but u know and i know in reality it will never be legal in this coutry for the simple fact that who would want some 10 year old kid going into a pharmacy and buying some gear just to "look" like ronnie coleman and end up killing himself or some stupid shit like that!!there is alot to be said on this subject but if it were even considered to be legalized it's these lil fucking weiners like baseball players and shit screwing it up for bodybuilders that have to have steroids u know it is like what the fuck do u need GH for in a game of fucking baseball test yeah but GH come on dude.....i guess i got a lil carryed away there sorry but that is the truth and yeah i'm def sure evrey hardcore gym rat on the face of our green earth wished steroids were legal
but in my world {MR.INTENSITY's LAW BOOK} they r legal :D :D
ANYONE WHO WANTS TO GET JUICE CAN! it almost doesn't matter how old you are, if you have a computer you can get steroids. just google it, find somewhere that sells it, and take mom/dad's credit card. it really is that easy these days. but a 10yr old kid could not walk into distributor and ask for it, because he is too young. lets say he only way you could get it from the distributor is with valid driver's license, and original birth certificate. if someone really wanted to spend the money to get fakes of those then great, it'd be easier to get UG rather than jump through those hoops. but the fact is that just because steroids are illegal right now, that is not deterring anyone from using them. wy not make them illegal before a certain age, that way ADULTS who can/should be able to make rational, logical decisions wont get thrown in jail for using AAS. keep in mind that i'm thinking the age limit shold be 25, and i'm not even that old it goes against me.
Yea, even I could live with a 25 year age limit on juice if they made it legal and I'm only 23 right now.

Oh well, I don't mind that it's illegal. Just makes it more fun to inject and makes us look better in the gym :satan:
Okay, I had to gather my thoughts about this subject. I believe that steroids should be made legal--with some clarifications as to what that means. I mean legal in the sense that they should be taken off schedule III because they don't belong there. They can remain prescription drugs, and I think that is perfectly 'doable.' The only obstacle I see is how do we educate people what they really are and how they are used--none of the media crap that we've been seeing. Steroids do have legitimate medical uses.

We have lots of other substances out there that have side effects worse than steroids, yet they are perfectly legal to possess though you still have to have a prescription to obtain them. My wife is on Lipitor, and she has to go every six months to have a blood test taken just to make sure the stuff isn't killing her liver. Birth control pills carry the risk of clotting or heart attacks. Even some OTC stuff can be dangerous. I won't go into that here, but suffice to say that the whole reasoning behind putting steroids on schedule III was not sound in the least. It was probably done by a member of congress who had his own ideas about what they were and thought he knew better than all the doctors and agents at the FDA, so he pushed to have it made into law.

Maybe with all the exposure AAS has had with baseball, etc., the truth will come out. One can only hope.