Cycle help and growth hormone


New member
Want to ask some questions?

I have been told Growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. I have also been informed that once our bodies have a artificial intoduction of growth hormone that the pitutitary gland can stop production forever?

I'm 247 lbs. later 30's 20% or so body fat.
Coming off 8 month break from work outs and gear.

New to game 4th cycle.

Lift 5 days a week and try to do cardio 3 - 4. (all within last 1.5 month)

Just stated 600mg of EQ a week
500mg of Cyp a week
1 propecia a day

Also going to do t3 for first time at week four. Just did complete blood work pre cycle all levels including TSH normal.

Thinking of introducing jin growth. Want to be safe. no interest in competeing. Want to be lean, hard and quality look to physique. How may i.u.'s a day for how long?

Also want to keep water retention to a low. Had problems with gyno in past from sustanon.
Should I use novaldex, ferma or clomid? How much how and often? Going for more mens health look.

Once agian want to be safe?

I dont think the pitutitary gland will stop hgh production forever from a artificial intoduction. If you are using reasonable dosages, at the low natural hgh times of the say, and reasonable length cycles I think the risk is little to none.

I have not done hgh but will start it for the first time in 6 weeks, I can tell you how I decided to do it from my research. I have decided to start at 1iu per day and work my way up to either 3iu or 4iu depending on side effects, results....ect. I would break it up into a 6:00am shot and a 2:00pm shot. The cycle length will be clost to 6 months.

I would drop the t-3, allot of people have good results without it for leaning out and toning while on hgh.

As far as a anti-e I would use the femera, the dose is going to be dependent on the person, 1.25mg everday would probably be sufficient.
also you may want to either increase the test or lower the eq..generally you want the test higher so there isn't a chance of any libidio problems....
I agree you could increase the test, that propecia might lower your sex drive some also. Depending on how it affects you it might not be a bad thing, I dont like my sex drive so high that I rub my dick raw 8 times a day.
Good point on test amount.

I have some ethanate, prop, sutanon, omndren. Would that cause conflict with cyp? Don't want gyno or freak out?

Maybe just 400 mg of EQ a week and 500mg of cyp?

I have also researched that t3 with HGH is great fat burner?

Not going to compete just want to lean out more and be defined and hard?:arcade:
You need to run GH for at least 3 months(at the minumum) to see benfits, 2-3ius per day is about the norm for fat burning.
Hit it at times where you bodys gh production is low (morning).You natural GH production should pick up just fine when you quit.
Research a little more on the T3 aspect cause I think you need to cycle it in and out with the GH, and ramp up and down...not totally sure though.

Cordoba said:
I dont think the pitutitary gland will stop hgh production forever from a artificial intoduction. If you are using reasonable dosages, at the low natural hgh times of the say, and reasonable length cycles I think the risk is little to none.

this is correct ,, ur natural levels will deminish, ofcourse ,, just like ur test levels deminish when taking a long cycle, but ur levels will rebound after a period of time, ,, but u need to take growth with t3 insulin, and test to maximize ur gains ,, but all that stuff i just mentioned is pretty dangerous except for the test, so u need to read alot about hte hgh , ,there is a lot of specifics that u should incorporate into ur treatment plan,, and i would take 5 to 6 ius a day ,, anymore ull get a huge jaw, any less ull problably not see shit for gains except for fat burning off where ever u inject it,, and u should do like a half year easy,, if not more
pepperone said:
Good point on test amount.

I have some ethanate, prop, sutanon, omndren. Would that cause conflict with cyp? Don't want gyno or freak out?

Maybe just 400 mg of EQ a week and 500mg of cyp?

I have also researched that t3 with HGH is great fat burner?

Not going to compete just want to lean out more and be defined and hard?:arcade:
bro in my opinion using HGH a a fat burner is kinda a waste..i use it more for its abilities to allow me to hold onto gains,via new cell eca stack or clen or t-3 will be a much cheaper route if stayin lean is all your after on cycle plus a clean diet and you have plans to compete???
quadzilla said:
this is correct ,, ur natural levels will deminish, ofcourse ,, just like ur test levels deminish when taking a long cycle, but ur levels will rebound after a period of time, ,, but u need to take growth with t3 insulin, and test to maximize ur gains ,, but all that stuff i just mentioned is pretty dangerous except for the test, so u need to read alot about hte hgh , ,there is a lot of specifics that u should incorporate into ur treatment plan,, and i would take 5 to 6 ius a day ,, anymore ull get a huge jaw, any less ull problably not see shit for gains except for fat burning off where ever u inject it,, and u should do like a half year easy,, if not more

GH levels are not the same in that of AAS in keeping plasma levels even.It comes in does it job for a few hours and leaves, your bodys natural GH levels come into play a few hours after sleeping and that is where you do not want to interupt the bodies natural accuring GH levels.
Insulin is not just dangerous, but can kill you if you do not use it properly, and probaly is not suitable for someone who is new or fairly new.


Another view point?

Wanted to give you guys some good feedback from a good source.


Thank you for your enquiry.

Q. Can you tell me what size needle one could use for
sub q and im injections.

We would recommend a 29 gauge insulin syringe with a
needle no longer than half an inch. HGH should be
injected sub cutaneously, although it is not dangerous
to inject intramuscular - it will just be a lot more
painful without any extra gain.

Q. How would I formulate the reconstitution of
jintropin with Bacteriostatic Water?

You need to use 1mL of diluent for every 10IU of
Jintropin. This will give you a reconstituted
sollution where 0.1mL (usually one mark on an insulin
syringe) equates to 1IU of Jintropin. This makes your
dosage very simple to work out.

Q. what is good iu daily for health late 30's male
fitness minded?

If you wish to take HGH for anti-ageing and general
wellbeing reasons, you do not need to take more than 1
to 1.5IU per day. Bodybuilders may take up to 3IU or
more per day befopre competition time, but that gives
amplified side effects as well as results. That could
include carpal tunnel and water retention, but
different people have different experiences with HGH.

You should be aware that HGH is a long-term investment
in your health, and it may take up to 3 months before
the real benefits kick in. There is a lot of reference
material available on the internet on the topic, and
we link to several sites of interest on our website [/B][/QUOTE]

you can pretty much inject any where. arms and legs are prefered place.

your optimal dosage I would suggest is 2.5unit/day. you 10IU will last you 4 injections.

for your convenience 1ml of water should be added,shake gentally to make sure everything dissolved. and take 0.25ml each time for injection.
my buddy just recieved his 3 kits. he will be using insulin, cyp, and deca. so here are some questions:

1. how much cyp and deca?

2. do you use hgh and insulin everyday? if not what is the best schedule?

3. how long should you be on test before you start the growth?

4. he is planning to do a show at the end of oct, is this enough time to get the desired results?

some stats: 38 yrs old, 5'9 205 been training and using for around 14-15 years, second time with hgh
bump again, have three kits and very eager to start. i have mad a committment to three more kits, so i need some info.
DB006 said:
my buddy just recieved his 3 kits. he will be using insulin, cyp, and deca. so here are some questions:

1. how much cyp and deca?

2. do you use hgh and insulin everyday? if not what is the best schedule?

3. how long should you be on test before you start the growth?

4. he is planning to do a show at the end of oct, is this enough time to get the desired results?

some stats: 38 yrs old, 5'9 205 been training and using for around 14-15 years, second time with hgh

1. depends on your cycle history, use the same amount or slightly more then you used the time before.

2. You use hgh everyday. Most use insulin only post workout, and I would not advise using it for 6 months straight.

3. You can start the growth at the same time as the test or maybe even before the test.

4. Only you really can know the answer to this because it depends on your current stats and how fast you can make gains and cut.
DB006 said:
my buddy just recieved his 3 kits. he will be using insulin, cyp, and deca. so here are some questions:

1. how much cyp and deca?

2. do you use hgh and insulin everyday? if not what is the best schedule?

3. how long should you be on test before you start the growth?

4. he is planning to do a show at the end of oct, is this enough time to get the desired results?

some stats: 38 yrs old, 5'9 205 been training and using for around 14-15 years, second time with hgh

Sorry for the delayed response.

Let me first say. I'm only responding on research I have conducted myself via web.

I personaly don't want to take the risk of insulin. Doing HGH with test and t3 is as far as I will go.

I have no interest in competing. I have a "mad" hook up on the kits and if the price was not so good I probably would not able to consider it.

I think these are the most crucial and smartest elements to consider:

1. GET BLOOD WORK DONE!!! Check for cancerous cells if you have any and do growth they will multiple like rabbits. It amazes me how much guys spend on gear and are to lazy or cheap to get blood pulled. Tell your doc there is family history and you want peace of mind.

2. Amount per day if your not going pro anything don't get stupid..'s

3.. Days per week 5

4. Time of day (first thing in morning) don't listen to the dumb ass "stay puff water boy friend at your locak gym".

5. Use this board and get a hold of Senoir members who have had direct experience with HGH usage.
pepperone said:
Sorry for the delayed response.

Let me first say. I'm only responding on research I have conducted myself via web.

I personaly don't want to take the risk of insulin. Doing HGH with test and t3 is as far as I will go.

I have no interest in competing. I have a "mad" hook up on the kits and if the price was not so good I probably would not able to consider it.

I think these are the most crucial and smartest elements to consider:

1. GET BLOOD WORK DONE!!! Check for cancerous cells if you have any and do growth they will multiple like rabbits. It amazes me how much guys spend on gear and are to lazy or cheap to get blood pulled. Tell your doc there is family history and you want peace of mind.

2. Amount per day if your not going pro anything don't get stupid..'s

3.. Days per week 5

4. Time of day (first thing in morning) don't listen to the dumb ass "stay puff water boy friend at your locak gym".

5. Use this board and get a hold of Senoir members who have had direct experience with HGH usage.
Actually the 5 on 2 off is only for $ reasons. everyday is best if you can afford it, and before morning cardio loosens up the fat, and keeps it from being redepostited.

pepperone said:
Sorry for the delayed response.

Let me first say. I'm only responding on research I have conducted myself via web.

I personaly don't want to take the risk of insulin. Doing HGH with test and t3 is as far as I will go. If you have a PRO card knock yourself out. If you don't your taking some pretty serious health risks.

I have no interest in competing. If it were'nt for a "mad" ($) hook up on the kits. I would not be able to consider it.

I think these are the most crucial and smartest elements to consider:

1. GET BLOOD WORK DONE!!! Check for cancerous cells if you have any and do growth they will multiple like rabbits. It amazes me how much guys spend on gear and are to lazy or cheap to get blood pulled. Tell your doc there is family history of cancer and you want to be preventitive. Don't even alude to gear under or over the counter. Trust me if you ever need to get a real life insurance policy you don't want that in your records.

2. Amount per day if your not going pro anything don't get stupid..'s

3.. Days per week 5

4. Time of day (first thing in morning) don't listen to the dumb ass "stay puff water boy friend at your local gym".

5. Use this board and get a hold of Senoir members who have had direct experience with HGH usage.
thanks for all responses. just wondering if there is a big difference in the results using 2.5 i.u. or 5 i.u.'s?