Cycles for non-BBing sports?


Do you guys have suggestions for cycles for non-BodyBuilding sports such as Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Boxing, MMA, etc?

Certain sports you'd need something different.

I thought I'd throw in all those sports above mentioned just for grins a giggles, because I'm sure many of you guys may have cycled for some of those specific activities.

BUT, I'm looking for football primarily.

Now, I'm specifically looking for something for "during season" - not pre, and not post, not offseason.

I was thinking something like a low dosed test prop ED or EOD, tren acetate taken the same, ED or EOD and perhaps anavar. I've heard great things about anavar from cyclists for strength and endurance, plus it doesn't bulk you up so you can still stay agile.

So maybe:
100mgs Test prop EOD
75-100mgs Tren acetate EOD
50mgs Var ED

and what about a shot of test suspention prior to gametime?

I've gotten plenty of suggestions about halo and cheque drops too.

What do you guys like?
oh gosh this is a wonderful thread! I have been curious of the same things. I know test is used (like the tour de france winner who just got busted) but other than that I'm clueless.
Justin Gatlin was using too. He was the guy that beat micheal johnson's times in the 400 at the last olympics. I feel there is no difference between creatine glutamine and protein and aas. They all enhance performance wether a doc gives them to you or you get them at a vitamin shop. Think about it they both give a edge on the competition whether big or small it still helps.
EQ is great for endurance becuase of the increase in lean muscle mass and RBC's without the bloat. It's what I've used in the past before marathon prep and it increased my shorter distance speed and endurance. With anything though you need to monitor your dose and timing of your shots to try and reduce sides such as calf pumps and shin splints. I never got either when doing heavy training until I started going on.
jaywooly said:
You know mike, I always like the EQ card up my sleeve. It just gets expensive!

tell me about it, for me it's a good thing though otherwise I'd never come off!