Dan Duchaine's 1st Cycle Theory-Do You Agree???

i love test but for me i always like to have it run in conjunction with something else for the added synergism
dreww said:
make that "test only" cycle a gram or two a week and you will see more than 2-3 lbs. :D

I did a year long stint where my cycles included 1500mg of sust every week....Great results, but coming off high doses is no picnic.
I completely agree with what Dan said. It was test cyp that helped me gain 30 lbs the first time around, and that was only on 300 mg/week. What I wonder now is related to his comments that the body tries to keep it passive--if I'm on shots for the rest of my life for TRT and because I've been on it for so long (over 7 years), if I want to gain another 20 lbs or so, what dosage would be necessary for me to do that? Would I have to add another 600 mg/week as a "cycle" in addition to what I'm doing to get results?
I do not agree completely, but then again I have never taken a cycle. Buy from what I understand, a first time user would not need 600mgs a week. I have always read that 250mg/wk would be sufficient for a newbie. I have noticed that most people favor test E but I don't see why he makes it seem as though Sustanon is the devil. What do you guys think?
sust has various esters in it making it harder to keep the levels more stable with multiple injections preferably EOD the best to maintain a nice stable blood hormone level, so for newbies EOD shots is not ideal
dam "sus-flu"for one thing. From my research test-E seems to be the safest.
As far as 250 or 600-1000mgs a week. Dan D. (I was around when he was
actually writing those articles) suggests the higher dose to gain that 25-40 lbs
the first cycle. I myself started at the tame 250 a week. Gained a good
10-12 lbs. After that the same dose would give me few less lbs. He wanted
to max the 1st time gains so recomended high dose. I was happy w/consertive
gains, didn't want to blow up and down like a balloon. His theories were
different - his reasoning made sense. He didnt have genetics to show by
example. At the time I thought "if he is the guru why dosent he look better?"
His early sudden death made you wonder about some of his his "radical" theories
- he was his own guiney pig a lot of the times. (my 10-12 lbs gains the 1st
time was pretty good - kept about 8or9lbs of it - as I had been working out
naturaly for over 20 years and hadent make gains the past two years no matter
what I did.)
To reply to flex, his reasoning is largely based on the getting big fast and making the most out of fresh receptors. That's what most bb'ers were trying to do at that time. They also didn't have as much detailed information about it like we do now. Yes, 250 mg/week will give you pretty decent gains as a newbie, but once you've used for the first time, subsequent gains will be diminished. This is nothing new. We all know that receptors get down-regulated when you use AAS. A newbie using the right dosage with all those fresh receptors is going to gain fast and gain big. If that is not your goal, then no problem--to each his own. If it is your goal, then you want to do something at least similar to what Dan said to make the most of the genetic potential you have. I wonder what would have happened if I had used 600 mg/week the first time. I might have made it to 190 from 150 instead of 180.
hmm well i would agree with the fact that only test would be sufficient, as i gained 30lbs on test alone first time out,